Agenda item

Adults Early Intervention Delivery Plan Strategy and Delivery Plan Update



The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided an update on early intervention and prevention activities, in line with priority 6 of the Strategy Delivery Plan. 




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-



·       Agrees to the co-design and co-production of a broad partnership-based Adult’s Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy that will detail how the Care Act 2014 duties to ‘prevent’, ‘reduce’ and ‘delay’ the onset of social care needs is achieved across the Local Authority and its partners.

·       Note the success of Sheffield Directory and the increased accessibility elements of the site and endorse the development of self-assessment.

·       Agree to the development of the early help ‘Bridging Service’ linking First Contact’s 'Make A Call - Take A Call’ (MACTAC) service to Communities’ ‘Team Around the Person’ (TAP) service, detailed in Appendix 2.

·       Note the ongoing development and implementation of Technology Enabled Care (TEC) as a key enabler of our approach.

·       Requests that the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing provides the Committee with updates on progress against the Delivery Plan on a 6 monthly basis




Reasons for Decision





The proposals represent the best way forward to develop partnerships, deliver effective information, advice, and guidance, and support early intervention and prevention across the city, whilst also enabling delivery of social care resources to the priority areas, and supporting people in the local community.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected







Do nothing: It would be possible not to produce a plan in relation to early intervention and prevention – but it would mean any activity would lack focus, coherence, and public accountability.


Supporting documents: