Agenda item

Changing Futures Delivery Plan update and Annual Report



The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided an update on the progress of Sheffield’s Changing Futures Programme.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:


-       Agrees the need to incorporate the Changing Futures delivery approach and tackling multiple disadvantages into future policy development.


-       Requests that the Strategic Director of Adult Wellbeing and Care provides the Committee with updates on progress against the Delivery Plan in March 2024


-       Approves the development of a city-wide strategy for Adults experiencing Multiple Disadvantage led by the Changing Futures Team.


-       Endorses the need to sustain specialist resource for those experiencing Multiple Disadvantage in the city.


-       Requests that the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing brings proposals to a future Committee, aligned to the Co-Production Strategy agreed at Committee on 19th December 2022 on how co-production will be resourced.




Reasons for Decision









The reason for the recommendations is to enable the Committee to be sighted on Changing Futures progress and use of funding provided. In addition to set out plans and an opportunity for Committee to provide advice on the ongoing use of the programme to tackle multiple disadvantages in the City.


The Changing Futures programme will help to deliver a number of strategic objectives that are shared between key partners, such as:


-       Sheffield City Councils Corporate Delivery Plan: Fair, inclusive, Page 105 Page 14 of 14 and empowered communities and Healthy lives and wellbeing for all

-       Adult Health and Social Care Strategy 2022-2030: all is relevant. Priorities include Safe and Well, Active and Independent, Connected and Engaged and Aspire and Achieve.

-       Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2017-22: strengthen partnerships to support adults with complex and multiple needs.

-       Community Safety Partnership Plan: Cuckooing, domestic abuse and hate crime. - South Yorkshire Integrated Care Boards Five Year Plan: Developing a Population Health System and Broadening and Strengthening our Partnerships to increase our opportunity.

-       Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-24: all is relevant. Ambitions include “Everyone has access to a home that supports their health” and “Everyone has equitable access to care and support shaped around them”.

-       Sheffield Safeguarding Adult Board Strategic Plan 2020-23: all is relevant. Priorities include “working in partnership” and “engage and empower”.

-       South Yorkshire Police and Crime Plan 2022-25. Current plan priorities are all relevant, including “protecting vulnerable people” and “treating people fairly”.

-       - South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Strategy: most are relevant. Priorities include “Encourage all professionals and organisations to continue to work toward becoming trauma-informed” and “Work in partnership to improve the mental health of the population, and advocate for those who need support to receive it in a timely manner”.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected

















Partnership work to improve outcomes for adults experiencing multiple disadvantages has been ongoing for several years. Previous business cases have been developed for a seconded multi-agency team; and commissioning a service through a Social Impact Bond. These projects encountered complications and did not enter delivery.


As grant funding, the Changing Futures programme is considered to be a more flexible and therefore more appropriate approach for this complex cohort. Its system-wide focus is also more likely to lead to a sustainable change in support offered to vulnerable adults in Sheffield.


Sustainability planning is ongoing which includes identifying opportunities to embed learning from the programme and source funding to continue operational delivery. However, to date no continuation funding has been secured.


Supporting documents: