Agenda item

Adult Care Budget Programme 2024/ 2025












The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which set out new financial pressures facing the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee in 2024/25, grant and other income available to the council to offset these pressures and proposals for how pressures might be addressed.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-


-       Notes the new financial pressures facing Adults, Care and Wellbeing and Integrated Commissioning for 24/25 and the new income available to mitigate them.

-       Notes the measures proposed in the report to mitigate these pressures and recommends these to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee



















Reasons for Decision


The proposals put forward in this paper are recommended on the basis that they


-       Are consistent with a person-centred approach and the provision of support designed to meet the individual’s needs

-       Are consistent with our vision/ strategy to improve independence and support people to live the life they want to live

-       Support the ongoing improvement of adult social care services in Sheffield

-       Are guided by an evidence base, benchmarking and/ or trend data which identifies areas of spend where disinvestment, subject to individual review, can most likely be made without detriment

-       Enable the Council to continue to meet its legal duties


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


There are no alternative options for consideration at this stage


Supporting documents: