Agenda item

Adults with a Learning Disability Strategy and Adult Future Options Transformation Plan





The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which set out Sheffield’s Learning Disability Strategy - ‘Our Big Plan’. This strategy set the scene for improving the lives of people with a learning disability in the City. It had been developed in partnership with the learning disability community and carers and reflected their priorities for the next 3 years.


It was stated that the strategy would be underpinned by an annually updated delivery plan which would have clear objectives and outcomes, agreed by the Learning Disability Partnership Board. It was stated that it would also be complemented by an Adult Future Options Transformation Programme. This would be a partnership document, and a range of organisations would continue together to deliver the Strategy’s objectives.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-



-       Approves the Learning Disability Strategy called the Big Plan.

-       Request that an update is brought to Committee in twelve months’ time, along with an update of progress made on delivery actions.




Reasons for Decision








The strategy is a positive development for the city and will enable partner organisations to work together to improve the quality of life for people with a learning disability in Sheffield.


Approving the strategy demonstrates the Committee’s commitment to partnership working across the City to improve citizens’ outcomes and experiences.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




No alternative options have been considered.





Supporting documents: