Report of Executive Director, Operational Services
The Head of Parks, Leisure and Libraries accompanied by Head of Communities introduced the report which set out the financial pressures facing the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee (CPL) in 2024/25, and the proposed options available to the council to offset these pressures.
12.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-
1. Acknowledges the recommendation approved at the Strategy and Resources Committee on 7th September 2023 that “Policy Committees will be asked to develop savings / additional income options that cover their own pressures – in effect cash standstill” and to “require Policy Committees to report at their meetings in November on how they can balance their budgets. 2. Notes, as this Committee's response to the Strategy and Resources Committee's request, the set of budget proposals set out in the closed Part B to this report. 3. Notes that Officers will now work with Members to consult with relevant stakeholders (including with partners, staff, trades unions and in respect of equalities and climate change) on the proposals in this report to inform final budget proposals. 4. Notes that Officers will work to develop any necessary detailed implementation plans for the proposals in this report so that the proposals can be implemented as planned before or during the 2024/25 financial year. 5. Notes a further report will be brought to this Committee in December 2023 |
12.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
12.3.1 |
Members are asked to note the challenging budget situation Members are asked to note the unsustainable financial position highlighted by the medium-term financial analysis presented to Strategy and Resources Committee in September 2023. This report and its recommendations, sets out the scale of the challenge ahead, the limited resources available and some of the difficult decisions that will need to be taken. |
12.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
12.4.1 |
The Council is required to both set a balanced budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. The options presented in this paper, if accepted, will negate the need to make any staff or resource cuts to the respective services and therefore, should allow the continuation of good quality customer services. |
The Head of Parks, Leisure and Libraries accompanied by Head of Communities introduced the report which set out the financial pressures facing the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee (CPL) in 2024/25, and the proposed options available to the council to offset these pressures.
12.2 |
The meeting went into closed session to discuss the closed appendix where members gave comments and asked questions. The meeting was re-opened to the public to agree the recommendations. |
12.3 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-
1. Acknowledges the recommendation approved at the Strategy and Resources Committee on 7th September 2023 that “Policy Committees will be asked to develop savings / additional income options that cover their own pressures – in effect cash standstill” and to “require Policy Committees to report at their meetings in November on how they can balance their budgets. 2. Notes, as this Committee's response to the Strategy and Resources Committee's request, the set of budget proposals set out in the closed Part B to this report. 3. Notes that Officers will now work with Members to consult with relevant stakeholders (including with partners, staff, trades unions and in respect of equalities and climate change) on the proposals in this report to inform final budget proposals. 4. Notes that Officers will work to develop any necessary detailed implementation plans for the proposals in this report so that the proposals can be implemented as planned before or during the 2024/25 financial year. 5. Notes a further report will be brought to this Committee in December 2023 |
12.4 |
Reasons for Decision |
12.4.1 |
Members are asked to note the challenging budget situation Members are asked to note the unsustainable financial position highlighted by the medium-term financial analysis presented to Strategy and Resources Committee in September 2023. This report and its recommendations, sets out the scale of the challenge ahead, the limited resources available and some of the difficult decisions that will need to be taken. |
12.5 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
12.5.1 |
The Council is required to both set a balanced budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. The options presented in this paper, if accepted, will negate the need to make any staff or resource cuts to the respective services and therefore, should allow the continuation of good quality customer services. |
Supporting documents: