Agenda item

Adult Health and Social Care: Financial Recovery Plan Update














The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing which sought to deliver on a commitment to transparent and accountable financial reporting. The update provided:


       An analysis of the underlying financial pressure to be carried forward into 2024/25 financial year.

       An outline of our financial recovery plan for 2024/25, including the Adult Future Options Transformation Programme.

       Context of the impact of the financial position on 2024/25 business planning.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-


1. Note the ongoing activity to implement savings as agreed under the 2023/24 budget and existing recovery plan.

2. Note the impact of funding changes on the financial position and recovery plan for 2024/25.

3. Note the recovery plan at Appendix 2 to mitigate underlying demand and cost pressures in 2024/ 2025.

4. Note as part of the CQC Assurance, the local authority must have effective budget oversight, accountability, and governance. It assesses the impact of any budget reductions and whether the level of savings required will affect its ability to meet statutory duties, including comparison with regional and national benchmarking groups. Note that a report will be provided to December 2023 Committee setting out an update and next steps required.


14.3    Reasons for Decision


These recommendations are made to support strategic planning and operational decisions that are necessary for the long-term sustainability of Adult Social Care and the long-term benefit of people in Sheffield.


14.4    Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Reductions to or restrictions on access to services have not been considered at this stage. Our strategy for Adult Social Care is to take a strengths-based approach, working with people to reduce their need for formal support. The proposals in this Recovery Plan are consistent with that approach.


Reductions to staffing have previously been agreed as part of the budget setting process and use of temporary budgets. Where alternative funding is available it will be the preferred policy of the Adults Care and Wellbeing directorate to retain workforce capacity.


Supporting documents: