Following the breakout session, one person
from each group was asked to feedback their groups thoughts. A
summary of the feedback presented was as follows:
City Goals
- How could the goals be
‘real’ and part of what every organisations were working towards?
- How do communities and individuals
contribute to the goals, particularly those who had been working in
difficult circumstances?
- How do we think about new ways of
decision-making and governing to make sure we are making
- What is a ‘good citizen’
and a ‘good partner’?
Castlegate –
Levelling Up
- The Castlegate development was an exciting opportunity
- Making the river
accessible was essential for Phase 1
- There was support for
seeking funding via the South Yorkshire Mayor
- The environmental and
economic benefits of a park were noted
Heart of the City
- What do we need to do
to make it feel like a community?
- Important to get the
right facilities, eg public toilets,
health care facilities
- It is a mixed
community, so important to think about affordable and social
housing, and decent sized homes, sustainable housing
- Important to consider
homelessness issues
- How to make the area
more appealing, eg providing bins,
controlling graffiti, reducing anti-social behaviour
- Look at funding for
converting empty spaces
Councillor Brian Holmshaw, Chair of the
Committee, thanked participants, and noted that it was important to
consider the cumulative impact of individual decisions relating the
city centre.