Agenda item

Healthwatch Update.

Verbal update.



A verbal update was given by Judy Robinson of Healthwatch, who advised that:

  • Healthwatch were keen to draw attention to the contradiction of the NHS pushing patients towards digital systems, e.g. for ordering prescriptions, whilst at the same time wishing to address health inequalities.  GPs could not reasonably expect all patients to be able to use digital systems.
  • Healthwatch were involved in a collaboration with Voluntary Action Sheffield regarding Long Covid, focussing on people who have contracted Long Covid but have not accessed the specialist services available.  This had involved interviews and focus groups.  A film had been produced to be shown in GP surgeries and a training course developed for community workers.
  • “Speak Up Reports”- Healthwatch gave small grants to community groups to improve health, one example was “CABS” (Champions in Achieving Better health in Sheffield) a project with taxi drivers, mainly of South Asian heritage, to improve information about nutrition and promote social prescribing, another was “Spece to Breathe” a GP Access report on access to Mental Health Services.
  • It was the 10-year anniversary of Healthwatch.



Board Members noted the update and discussed the role of Healthwatch in providing a feedback loop to improve services, and whether the Board is playing the right role, and if the right systems are in place to make the most of this. They also offered their congratulations on the 10-year anniversary of Healthwatch and thanked the organisation for its ongoing work.