Agenda item

Annual Climate Report 2022/23

Report of the Executive Director – City Futures



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures providing an update on progress and activity during 2022/23 to inform the Committee and public of the current situation.


Members discussed specific areas including;

·       Increased emissions in the grey fleet sector and potential solutions

·       A decarbonisation routemap for Housing including private homes

·       Renewable energy sources

·       Resources available in the sustainability team

·       A new Council Plan that prioritises the Climate Emergency



Members asked whether the Transport, Climate and Regeneration Policy Committee was the strategic lead for this work or if it would be led by the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee. The Director of Investment, Climate Change and Planning advised that each Policy Committee had the ability to determine its approach to Climate Change and that a radical change of approach was required. Responsibilities would need to be distributed across the organisation. It was also confirmed that the climate emergency was on SCC’s Corporate Risk Register and the Local Plan also had an ambitious programme for decarbonisation.



It was acknowledged that climate change impact should be considered at the start of the Council’s decision making process and a protocol was under development to facilitate this. Members asked if there was anything that they could do as politicians to empower officers to achieve the Council’s ambitions. The question was welcomed and The Director of Investment, Climate Change and Planning agreed to come back with suggestions.


During the discussion of the above item the Committee agreed, in accordance with Council Procedure Rules, that as the meeting was approaching the two hours and 30 minutes time limit, the meeting should be extended by a period of 30 minutes



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


Notes the report.




Reasons for Decision


It was felt that it was important both to be open and transparent, to outline the extent of progress and activity which is underway and the challenges which the local authority faces in making progress.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not providing an annual report, or providing a much shorter report, was considered due to the resource required to provide a report with the detail included here.


Supporting documents: