Agenda item

Moscar Cross Road - Prohibition of Driving

Report of the Executive Director – City Futures



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures report confirming receipt of objections to a proposal to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and seeking approval to make the order after having considered those objections.


The effect of the order would be to introduce a Prohibition of Driving except for solo

motorcycles on Moscar Cross Road, which was a byway open to all traffic.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Approve the making of the Traffic Regulation Order in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;

·       Approve the introduction of the prohibition of driving except for solo motorcycles on Moscar Cross Road as shown on Appendix A attached, by installing regulatory traffic signs, lockable gates and an adjacent bridle gate.

·       Note that all objectors are informed of this decision accordingly.





Reasons for Decision


If a decision is made to proceed with the proposed TRO then the byway will not be subjected to the same level of damage, the safety and access of all other users will improve and the current maintenance costs and use of resources will reduce significantly. The measure will be reviewed to ensure damage is not caused solo motorcycles. The Council will also keep the scheme under review to monitor changing weather conditions and ensure the restriction time period remains effective.


There is no other alternative suitable to alleviate the issues.


Having considered the response from the public and other consultees it is recommended that the TRO for the prohibition of driving motor vehicles except for solo motorcycles on Moscar Cross Road be made and implemented as the benefits of the scheme in terms of access, safety and sustainability are considered to outweigh the objections raised.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


An alternative option would be to propose a prohibition of driving TRO

without an exemption for solo motorcycles. However, it could not be

justified as there is no evidence to suggest this type of vehicle is causing

infrastructure damage to Moscar Cross Road and the Police would not be

willing to support the restriction without physical restraint measures that

restrict solo motorcyclists


An alternative option is to do nothing. This option would result in the

Council bearing the increasing maintenance costs of the infrastructure

damage and may need to deny public rights of access due to the risk of



There is also an issue posed around sustainability, constantly repairing

the highway is not a sustainable use of limited natural resources.


The proposed measures do not incur any adverse effects on either the

climate or the economy.




The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures report confirming receipt of objections to a proposal to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and seeking approval to make the order after having considered those objections.


The effect of the order would be to introduce a Prohibition of Driving except for solo

motorcycles on Moscar Cross Road, which was a byway open to all traffic.



Members sought clarification on whether it was possible to approve the prohibition of driving and extend it to include all vehicles. It was explained that in order to make this amendment it would be necessary to promote a new TRO, consider any objections and bring this back to a later committee date. Strong evidence was required to implement a prohibition for all vehicles. Members requested a 12 month review of the TRO be carried out.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


·       Approve the making of the Traffic Regulation Order in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984;

·       Approve the introduction of the prohibition of driving except for solo motorcycles on Moscar Cross Road as shown on Appendix A attached, by installing regulatory traffic signs, lockable gates and an adjacent bridle gate.

·       Note that all objectors are informed of this decision accordingly.

·       Request that a review be carried out within 12 months of implementation





Reasons for Decision


If a decision is made to proceed with the proposed TRO then the byway will not be subjected to the same level of damage, the safety and access of all other users will improve and the current maintenance costs and use of resources will reduce significantly. The measure will be reviewed to ensure damage is not caused solo motorcycles. The Council will also keep the scheme under review to monitor changing weather conditions and ensure the restriction time period remains effective.


There is no other alternative suitable to alleviate the issues.


Having considered the response from the public and other consultees it is recommended that the TRO for the prohibition of driving motor vehicles except for solo motorcycles on Moscar Cross Road be made and implemented as the benefits of the scheme in terms of access, safety and sustainability are considered to outweigh the objections raised.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


An alternative option would be to propose a prohibition of driving TRO

without an exemption for solo motorcycles. However, it could not be

justified as there is no evidence to suggest this type of vehicle is causing

infrastructure damage to Moscar Cross Road and the Police would not be

willing to support the restriction without physical restraint measures that

restrict solo motorcyclists


An alternative option is to do nothing. This option would result in the

Council bearing the increasing maintenance costs of the infrastructure

damage and may need to deny public rights of access due to the risk of



There is also an issue posed around sustainability, constantly repairing

the highway is not a sustainable use of limited natural resources.


The proposed measures do not incur any adverse effects on either the

climate or the economy.


Supporting documents: