Report of Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement
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Ajman Ali, Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services, and Meredith Dixon Teasdale, Director of Children’s Services, attended the meeting in their capacity as race champions, to present this report and talk about the Council’s commitment to race equality. They were joined by the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement in whose area the equality team sits, and Lucy Heyes, who worked with colleagues across the Council to bring together this report.
The report provides the Council with a holistic, future-facing approach to race equality. Building on the progress already made, it sets out in part 1 what we stand for as a Council and in part 2 where we are as an organisation, including on the 7 qualities the Race Equality Commission (REC) said an anti-racist organisation would have in place as a minimum. Part 3 sets out the action we will now take, illustrated with work which has already taken place. This report responds to feedback encouraging the Council to take ownership, implement action with more pace and make clear what race equality means to us as an organisation and what our approach will be.
The REC published its final report on 14 July 2022. Commissioned by elected members, chaired by Professor Emeritus Kevin Hylton and supported by 24 commissioners, the REC gave Sheffield an account of race equality in the city and a set of recommendations for areas requiring improvement.
Sheffield City Council made the promise set out in the REC report and in doing so agreed to implement the recommendations which were relevant to the Council, become an anti-racist organisation and facilitate the formation of a legacy body. The Council responded to the REC in December 2022, bringing to this Committee an action plan to address the recommendations. In August, this Committee reviewed progress and committed to go further, faster. |
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RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:- |
(a) agrees to adopt part 1 (pages 4-5) of the report now submitted and support and challenge officers, partners and each other, in a spirit of joint endeavour and kindness, so that everyone aligns what they do and how they do it against shared statements of intent;
(b) through this report, and in individual letters of thanks, formally acknowledge the Race Equality Commission, its independent Chair and its 24 commissioners, including Council staff members who took on commissioner roles alongside their work, and those who supported them (paragraphs 22-24);
(c) notes part 2 of the report (pages 6-14) which sets out data on race in our city and our progress against the 7 qualities the REC said an anti-racist organisation would have in place as a minimum;
(d) agrees the actions in part 3 (pages 15-29) and champion the report’s aims across the Council’s policy committees, and across the breadth of the Council’s committee system, and ask the Governance Committee to support the implementation of this approach;
(e) agrees that elected members on key committees will be the first tranche of members to undertake an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) level 2 equivalent certificate (paragraph 35e);
(f) agrees the accountability roles and responsibilities (paragraphs 43-44);
(g) notes the substantial, positive work of the legacy body task and finish group and extend gratitude to its chair, members and those who have supported its work (paragraphs 45-48); and
(h) approves the Council budget of £100,000 over four years, earmarked in the 2024/25 Business Planning to fund internal spend on the Council’s external contribution to work around the Race Equality Partnership for Sheffield (paragraphs 49-52). |
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Reasons for Decision |
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To build on progress to date and provide the Council with the next stepping stone in the on-going journey towards race equality. |
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Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
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This Committee agreed that the Council should pursue a specific approach to race equality. This report does not recommend a change to that approach. |
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