Agenda item

Identifying the future role of Central Library and Graves Gallery Building

Report of Executive Director City Futures



The Executive Director City Futures submitted a report containing a proposed way forward for the future of the Central Library/Graves Gallery building, with potential timeline, for Member discussion and approval.


Central Library/Graves Gallery building is a beloved Sheffield landmark which needs to be reimagined for the future. Members need good information on the feasibility of various options for its future, to help decide a way forward.


Integral to this process are:


• A vision and location for Central Library and Archive services.


• A vision and feasibility for the future use of the building, as a nationally significant destination gallery.


Resources for repair surveys are required immediately to allow a repair programme to be designed and costed, and progress made as options are considered.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) approves the process of exploring the options for the future of the Central Library/Graves Gallery building, as set out in the report, including:


·       Further work to understand the full extent of the Central Library buildings condition

·       Development of a vision for a 21st Century Central Library and Archives including options for how and where this could be located

·       Development of the vision and work to assess the viability of transforming Central Library/Graves building into a nationally significant destination gallery;


(b) approves the use of reserves of £420k to fund initial surveying costs, to begin facilitation of an interim repair programme to be designed and costed;


(c) notes a request for funding to be identified to support further design costs as well as a financial model to support identified investment in the Building as part of the Accommodation Strategy;


(d) notes the interdependencies with the City Centre Accommodation Strategy;


(e) notes the potential outline timeline for the activities, including a further report in June 2024;


(f) notes that Place Feasibility Funding is being sought to support the options/visioning activity in Recommendation (a); and


(g) endorses the development of a public engagement plan for the elements of this project




Reasons for Decision




The recommendation above set out a process and indicative timescale for gaining the in-depth information needed to inform future decisions on the Central Library/Graves Gallery.


Without this additional information, Members will not be able to make a well-grounded decision.


There is real urgency for the future of this Sheffield landmark to be secured, with the potential for exciting options for future gallery and library development. However, the financial, operational and service provision implications need to be fully understood.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Other options have been considered but are not recommended:

• Do nothing – which would have consequences for health and safety, would lead to the building’s closure, and would incur costs in keeping the building secure.

• Take a decision without the feasibility work.

• Members have already made clear that they do not wish to vacate the building and market it as a development opportunity




By commissioning additional information and survey work to inform the long-term development of the Central Library/Graves Gallery, Members will have the best opportunity to make a sound choice on the future of the building. Without this additional information it will be difficult to make an appropriate choice; therefore, an alternative option is not being considered.




The Executive Director City Futures submitted a report containing a proposed way forward for the future of the Central Library/Graves Gallery building, with potential timeline, for Member discussion and approval.


Central Library/Graves Gallery building is a beloved Sheffield landmark which needs to be reimagined for the future. Members need good information on the feasibility of various options for its future, to help decide a way forward.


Integral to this process are:


• A vision and location for Central Library and Archive services.


• A vision and feasibility for the future use of the building, as a nationally significant destination gallery.


Resources for repair surveys are required immediately to allow a repair programme to be designed and costed, and progress made as options are considered.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) approves the process of exploring the options for the future of the Central Library/Graves Gallery building, as set out in the report, including:


·       Further work to understand the full extent of the Central Library buildings condition

·       Development of a vision for a 21st Century Central Library and Archives including options for how and where this could be located

·       Development of the vision and work to assess the viability of transforming Central Library/Graves building into a nationally significant destination gallery;


(b) approves the use of reserves of £420k to fund initial surveying costs, to begin facilitation of an interim repair programme to be designed and costed;


(c) notes a request for funding to be identified to support further design costs as well as a financial model to support identified investment in the Building as part of the Accommodation Strategy;


(d) notes the interdependencies with the City Centre Accommodation Strategy;


(e) notes the potential outline timeline for the activities, including a further report in June 2024;


(f) notes that Place Feasibility Funding is being sought to support the options/visioning activity in Recommendation (a); and


(g) endorses the development of a public engagement plan for the elements of this project




Reasons for Decision




The recommendation above set out a process and indicative timescale for gaining the in-depth information needed to inform future decisions on the Central Library/Graves Gallery.


Without this additional information, Members will not be able to make a well-grounded decision.


There is real urgency for the future of this Sheffield landmark to be secured, with the potential for exciting options for future gallery and library development. However, the financial, operational and service provision implications need to be fully understood.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Other options have been considered but are not recommended:

• Do nothing – which would have consequences for health and safety, would lead to the building’s closure, and would incur costs in keeping the building secure.

• Take a decision without the feasibility work.

• Members have already made clear that they do not wish to vacate the building and market it as a development opportunity




By commissioning additional information and survey work to inform the long-term development of the Central Library/Graves Gallery, Members will have the best opportunity to make a sound choice on the future of the building. Without this additional information it will be difficult to make an appropriate choice; therefore, an alternative option is not being considered.




(NOTE: (1) During the discussion of the above item the Committee agreed, in accordance with Council Procedure rules, that as the meeting was approaching the two hours and 30 minutes time limit, the meeting should be extended by a period of 30 minutes); and

(2) At the conclusion of the above item the meeting adjourned for a short break.


Supporting documents: