Agenda item

Capital Finance Monitoring Report

Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



The Head of Service, Housing Investment and Maintenance introduced the report which explained that the Housing Capital Programme brought together the 5-year Capital Investment and Housing Growth proposals for Council Housing, setting out the priorities for current and future investment.


It outlined that the purpose of the plans was to continue to deliver Decent Homes, tenants’ priorities and improving the quality of homes and neighbourhoods. The Housing Capital Programme is split into three distinct areas of activity; Council Housing Investment (existing stock and assets), the Council’s Stock Increase Programme, funded from the Council’s Housing Revenue Account, as described in the annual HRA Business Plan and the Non-HRA Capital Programme which includes programme management, Homes & Loans to private homes and investment in private homes.


The table at item 2.1 of the report showed the overall Housing Capital Programme split between Council Housing Investment, Stock Increase and Non-HRA areas of the programme.


The purpose of the report was to provide a quarterly update on progress against the approved 2023/24 Housing Capital Programme. The report focussed on providing an update on expenditure and progress against the 2023/24 Housing Capital Programme position at the end of September 2023 (Quarter 2).


The report also provided an update of the 5-year Housing Capital Programme and the final approval of the 2022/23 Housing Capital Programme outturn.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-

1.     Note the 2023-24 Housing Capital Programme forecasting and budget position at the end of quarter.

2.     Note the update provided for the 5-year capital programme


Reasons for Decision


The report was to provide the Housing Policy Committee members with an update on progress against the 5-year approved Capital programme at the end of Q2 2023/24.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


No alternative options are considered as part of this update report.




The Head of Service, Housing Investment and Maintenance introduced the report which explained that the Housing Capital Programme brought together the 5-year Capital Investment and Housing Growth proposals for Council Housing, setting out the priorities for current and future investment.


It outlined that the purpose of the plans was to continue to deliver Decent Homes, tenants’ priorities and improving the quality of homes and neighbourhoods. The Housing Capital Programme is split into three distinct areas of activity; Council Housing Investment (existing stock and assets), the Council’s Stock Increase Programme, funded from the Council’s Housing Revenue Account, as described in the annual HRA Business Plan and the Non-HRA Capital Programme which includes programme management, Homes & Loans to private homes and investment in private homes.


The table at item 2.1 of the report showed the overall Housing Capital Programme split between Council Housing Investment, Stock Increase and Non-HRA areas of the programme.


The purpose of the report was to provide a quarterly update on progress against the approved 2023/24 Housing Capital Programme. The report focussed on providing an update on expenditure and progress against the 2023/24 Housing Capital Programme position at the end of September 2023 (Quarter 2).


The report also provided an update of the 5-year Housing Capital Programme and the final approval of the 2022/23 Housing Capital Programme outturn.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-

1.     Note the 2023-24 Housing Capital Programme forecasting and budget position at the end of quarter.

2.     Note the update provided for the 5-year capital programme


Reasons for Decision


The report was to provide the Housing Policy Committee members with an update on progress against the 5-year approved Capital programme at the end of Q2 2023/24.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


No alternative options are considered as part of this update report.


Supporting documents: