Agenda item

Oncology Review.



The report which provided an update on the progress of a review of non-surgical Oncology outpatient appointments, was presented by Emma Latimer (Executive Place Director for Sheffield and Cancer Lead for South Yorkshire, South Yorkshire Independent Commissioning Board) (ICB), Julia Dicks (Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and Clinical Director, South Yorkshire ICB), and Paul Parsons (Director at Stand).



A presentation was also delivered which was subsequently published on the Council’s website.  The aim of the presentation was to outline the drivers for change in the service, provide clarity on what the changes meant, give an overview of the process and involvement activity undertaken, outline the rationale for the proposed stabilisation model, provide assurance regarding mitigations to minimise the impact and gain a steer on next steps.



Panellists gave the following further information in response to questions from Members:


  • When asked for clarification on the chart of the 5 specialist areas which stated “Barnsley/ Rotherham”, Julia Dicks advised that this had not been decided yet.
  • Paul Parsons advised that engagement with vulnerable adults had taken place via the production of an “easy read” document. Also 23 different relevant groups had been consulted representing people who might not normally engage such as people of Asian heritage, young people, migrants, Afro Caribbean heritage, rural communities, a men’s cancer group and the elderly.

The feedback from these groups had not been weighted by Stand, it had been left up to the decision makers how it was taken into account.

  • Access to interpreters for consultant appointments had been highlighted as an issue by this research.

The new model would provide an opportunity to address this.

  • The key issue which had led to the formation of this temporary model was a lack of oncologists/ specialists.

There were national plans to increase oncology trainees. Many allied health professionals were already involved in current care but these roles could be brought on further, eg nurse led chemotherapy.

  • The evaluation panel referred to at the bottom of page 13 of the report was made up of the oversight group with representatives from Place organisations.  Julia Dicks advised that this group had known that leaving the situation in the Oncology service as  it was, was not a realistic option so that had not been considered.
  • The changes would ensure equality of waiting times and offer an equitable service.  The key goal was to stabilise the service and then move forward.
  • Once the temporary model was established further work would be done, in particular with the universities, to establish how to make the service attractive to the NHS workforce.
  • Work was also being done to promote cancer prevention and to avoid patients presenting late to the service, i.e. with stage 3 or 4 cancer.
  • Patients should have a choice between virtual or in person appointments and it should be ensured that either way, they had a quality consultation.
  • A team method of working would be required to ensure continuity of care if patients did not get to see the same person for each appointment.



Members stated that they were keen to see continual high-quality engagement in place, i.e. a feedback loop with equality issues always kept in mind, rather than another consultation.  They felt patient feedback should be central to the delivery of future services.  In addition to the recommendations in the presentation they requested a further report after 6 months.



RESOLVED: That the Sub Committee: -


(a)  Notes the approach to co-production of the service model, assurance process and progress to date.

(b)  Supports the proposed approach for the Stabilisation phase of the programme.

(c)  Notes the high level of patient and public involvement already achieved by the programme, and the role it has played in the decision making.

(d)  Expects patient feedback to be an ongoing process, rather than requiring a further consultation to take place in the stabilisation phase of the programme; and

(e)  Requests a further update be provided after 6 months.




Supporting documents: