Agenda item

UKSPF Update

Report of the Executive Director – City Futures



The committee considered a report providing a progress update in respect to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) programme in Sheffield. In doing so the report also highlights concerns about the lack of certainty in relation to what might replace SPF from April 2025. Page 5




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


1.    Notes the progress of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme in Sheffield and

2.    Shares the concerns raised in respect to future funding for economic development activity.




Reasons for Decision




This report provides Committee with a full update of the UKSPF programme to date and confirms that funding is available to complete all project activity through to March 2025.




The report provides an opportunity to highlight concerns about the ability to deliver similar activity in the future given no current indication of what will replace UKSPF in 25/26.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The provision of an update report does not require an options assessment.






The committee considered a report providing a progress update in respect to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) programme in Sheffield. In doing so the report also highlights concerns about the lack of certainty in relation to what might replace SPF from April 2025.


Members asked why a climate impact assessment had not been completed for this report and it was explained that all the projects covered by the report had been to the committee already with their assessments completed and therefore it was not necessary on this occasion.



Members asked for reassurance that there were sufficient resources available to complete the projects given that a number of them stated that there had been ‘zero spend to date’. It was confirmed that there would be no shortfalls.



A question was asked about how individual organisations could access SPF funding and it was advised that they contact the culture team who would be able to assist in the writing of bids.



Members requested an update on High Street Business Information Officers and it was agreed this was a good suggestion as they work closely with both local businesses and LACs.



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


1.    Notes the progress of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme in Sheffield and

2.    Shares the concerns raised in respect to future funding for economic development activity.




Reasons for Decision




This report provides Committee with a full update of the UKSPF programme to date and confirms that funding is available to complete all project activity through to March 2025.




The report provides an opportunity to highlight concerns about the ability to deliver similar activity in the future given no current indication of what will replace UKSPF in 25/26.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The provision of an update report does not require an options assessment.




Supporting documents: