Agenda item

Healthwatch Commissioning Strategy



The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which sought approval for a Healthwatch Commissioning Strategy. The report also provided an update regarding Healthwatch statutory duties and the local offer, including the outcomes of Stakeholder Engagement and the Healthwatch Annual Report 2022-3.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:


-        Approves the Council commissioning a new Healthwatch contract for Sheffield with a contract period of 10 years, with an estimated value of up to £2.4m over the 10 years.

-        Notes the decision by the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing to provide a 6-month extension to the current contractual arrangements to ensure continuity of service delivery whilst the commissioning strategy is being implemented.

-        Endorses the Healthwatch Annual Report 2022 – 2023.




Reasons for Decision




The failure to provide Healthwatch services after expiration of the current service without another arrangement in place to deliver the services would therefore mean that the Council would fail to meet its statutory duty.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected






Do nothing - This is not an option because the Council have a statutory duty to enter into arrangements with a local Healthwatch organisation to meet statutory duties.


Supporting documents: