Agenda item

Adult Care Strategy Delivery and Service Performance Update
















The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided a scheduled update following the approval of the Adult Health and Social Care Strategy at the Co-Operative Executive on 16th March 2022 and the approval of an operating model to deliver on the strategy by the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee meeting in November 2022. The paper set out delivery progress and what had been achieved. The report also demonstrated how impact was being measured in order to demonstrate progress in enabling citizens of Sheffield to live the life they want to live.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-


-        Notes progress in delivering upon the Adult Care Strategy Living the Life You Want to Live.

-        Notes Adult Care and Wellbeing performance at December 2023 in relation to each of the Adult Care and Wellbeing priorities and our actions in response.























Reasons for Decision


Asking for regular updates and refreshes of the Strategy Delivery Plan will keep the Committee, wider stakeholders, and the public the ability to hold the Council to account for progress and impact and will provide an additional mechanism to input to future development.


Noting the performance update, enables Committee to undertake scrutiny of Adult Care performance including strengths and areas for prioritisation.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do Not Provide an Update on The Strategy Delivery Plan Progress – When the Strategy Delivery Plan was approved by Committee in June 2022 the was a commitment to review the plan regularly and by not reviewing, we would not be meeting that commitment. Due to the significant amount that has been delivered on the plan, leaving it as it would make it harder to identify the priorities for 2023.


A different delivery plan - The real options for the delivery plan are around the individual elements, which will be worked through as part of the constituent pieces of work. These will be worked through in different ways, with many of them resulting in their own future reports to the Committee.


Supporting documents: