The Committee consider a report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services which set out a proposal to develop a Belonging Framework and use this to drive change.
The Education, Children and Families Policy Committee:
1. Agreed that Sheffield City Council would develop a Belonging Framework in coproduction with children and young people, families and stakeholders. 2. Noted the intention of the Belonging Framework to provide an overarching vision to drive change – so that everything done would be focused on deepening children and young people’s sense of belonging. 3. Noted the engagement planned with children and young people to inform the development of the framework. 4. Noted that the development of the framework would be an iterative process as the views of children and young people were gained in ways which worked best for them, and that the framework and next steps would be reviewed and refined based on this. 5. Noted the intention for an ongoing conversation with the Committee about belonging, including a further draft to be presented at Committee in Spring 2024.
The Committee consider a report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services which set out a proposal to develop a Belonging Framework and use this to drive change.
The Education, Children and Families Policy Committee:
1. Agreed that Sheffield City Council would develop a Belonging Framework in coproduction with children and young people, families and stakeholders. 2. Noted the intention of the Belonging Framework to provide an overarching vision to drive change – so that everything done would be focused on deepening children and young people’s sense of belonging. 3. Noted the engagement planned with children and young people to inform the development of the framework. 4. Noted that the development of the framework would be an iterative process as the views of children and young people were gained in ways which worked best for them, and that the framework and next steps would be reviewed and refined based on this. 5. Noted the intention for an ongoing conversation with the Committee about belonging, including a further draft to be presented at Committee in Spring 2024.
Supporting documents: