Report of the General Counsel
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The Committee considered a report of the General Counsel which set out the Council’s Annual Governance Statement (AGS).
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The General Counsel explained that the AGS was part of the accounts process and was a legal requirement under The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. The Council is required ensure that it has a sound system of internal control which (a) facilitates the effective exercise of its functions and the achievement of its aims and objectives; (b) ensures that the financial and operational management of the authority is effective; and (c) includes effective arrangements for the management of risk.
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This AGS was for 2022/23 and the Council’s accounts for that year are yet to be audited. The draft AGS and the draft accounts were published in June 2023.
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The General Counsel informed Members that he was checking with CIPFA as to who the appropriate signatories for this AGS would be.
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The Practice Management Team Leader (Syed Rizvi) explained there was a diagram within the AGS which outlined the process of verification undertaken through the production of the AGS.
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Members of the Committee made comments and asked questions and the following responses were provided: -
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The General Counsel confirmed the Governance issues identified within the AGS were not ordered on a priority basis. He stated that all issues outlined were issues that needed to be addressed. He added that he could look within the issues if any needed to be prioritised over others.
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The General Counsel confirmed that work relating to the new accountability framework was ongoing although could not provide an exact date in which this would be rolled out.
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A Member of the Committee referred to a public question presented earlier in the meeting and agreed that the document could flow and read a lot better. The General Counsel agreed this could be looked at.
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RESOLVED: That the Audit & Standards Committee (1) note the contents of the annual review as set out in the attached Statement; and (2) approve the Annual Governance Statement as set out in the Appendix. |
Supporting documents: