Agenda item

Lifelong Learning and Skills quality update report

Report of the Executive Director City Futures



The committee considered a report of the Director of Education and Skills containing updated information about provision in the Lifelong Learning and Skills Service up to 31 December 2023 as presented to the Lifelong Learning and Skills Advisory Board in January 2024. The report contained statistical information about the service, the numbers of learners being supported and the quality of provision.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


1)    Note the content of the report.

2)    Note that officers will provide the committee with updated information at regular intervals to ensure the activities of the service are appropriately shared to demonstrate performance and the against the grant funding received.





Reasons for Decision




This paper is to provide an update on the quality of provision current delivered.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




No decision is required from Committee, this paper is to provide an update on the quality of provision current delivered.






The committee considered a report of the Director of Education and Skills containing updated information about provision in the Lifelong Learning and Skills Service up to 31 December 2023 as presented to the Lifelong Learning and Skills Advisory Board in January 2024. The report contained statistical information about the service, the numbers of learners being supported and the quality of provision.


Members requested feedback on the service from learners and officers agreed to share this with the committee and also a breakdown of the data by ward.



A question was asked about whether the survey that had been carried out gave any indication that learners were looking for courses that were not provided by the service. Officers acknowledged that this was the case and advised that a report on  curriculum design would be brought to the committee at a future meeting.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


1)    Note the content of the report.

2)    Note that officers will provide the committee with updated information at regular intervals to ensure the activities of the service are appropriately shared to demonstrate performance and the against the grant funding received.





Reasons for Decision




This paper is to provide an update on the quality of provision current delivered.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




No decision is required from Committee, this paper is to provide an update on the quality of provision current delivered.




Supporting documents: