Agenda item

Clean Air Investment Fund

Report of the Executive Director City Futures – Report to follow



The committee considered a report of the Executive Director City Futures providing an update on the Clean Air Plan including the bus retrofit performance issues and the development of a proposal for clean air investment.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


• Endorses the continued liaison with HM Government for greater financial support to deliver zero emission bus fleet ambitions in Sheffield to mitigate the impacts resulting from the performance uncertainty and delay relating to the Department of Transports (DfT) bus retrofit programme (see section 3.2) and the predicated effect this will have on achieving legal air quality limits within the shortest possible time (as per our Ministerial Direction),


• Endorses the proposed approach to clean air investment planning, and note that further development will continue,


• Endorses the proposal to commit an initial £1m of CAZ surplus income to accelerate air quality improvement initiatives around schools and improve air quality for children traveling to school, as described in section 3.1, and note that officers will keep members of the committee informed of the development of the initiatives.




Reasons for Decision




Our modelling (approved by Government) at OBC and FBC stage included showed that all buses in Sheffield and those on key routes in Rotherham needed to be a minimum of Euro VI standard equivalent to achieve nitrogen dioxide legal limits in the shortest possible time as per our Ministerial Direction.


Therefore, achieving reduced emissions from scheduled buses is a material part of our Directed scheme, fundamental to achieving compliance with legal limits and continued liaison with HM Government to secure greater financial support to provide funding and solutions to reduce bus emissions and transition to a zero-emission bus fleet in Sheffield is critical.



As set out in this and the December 2023 committee report a cautionary approach will be taken to expenditure of CAZ surplus income to ensure sufficient funds are retained to cover life-cycle operation costs and any further mitigating activities required to achieve legal nitrogen dioxide limits across the city. However, it is important that there is continued investment in complimentary activities to reduce traffic emissions and improve air quality.



The recommendations for initial investment build on existing, successful schemes enabling these to be expanded to benefit school children and communities across Sheffield.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The parameters for use of CAZ income are described in section 3.1 and 6.3 of this report. Options for investment of CAZ surplus must meet the legislative purposes set out in the CSO Clean Air Zone Charging Scheme Order | Sheffield City Council. Options that do not meet the legislative key criteria cannot be considered.


As described in section 3.0 eligible options are under development and will continue to be reviewed with TRC members as work progresses. Options being considered for further development include strategic infrastructure projects that provide significant improvements to active travel, public transport and complementary public realm and environmental infrastructure (e.g. green walls).




The committee considered a report of the Executive Director City Futures providing an update on the Clean Air Plan including the bus retrofit performance issues and the development of a proposal for clean air investment.




A member of the committee referred to a report in the press about the Fargate area of the city and the air quality levels still being poor and asked if this was the case. Officers explained that this had not previously been an area of concern and offered to check the data and provide a written response.




During the discussion of the above item the Committee agreed, in accordance with Council Procedure Rules, that as the meeting was approaching the two hours and 30 minutes time limit, the meeting should be extended by a period of 30 minutes




Councillor Saeed left the meeting.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


• Endorses the continued liaison with HM Government for greater financial support to deliver zero emission bus fleet ambitions in Sheffield to mitigate the impacts resulting from the performance uncertainty and delay relating to the Department of Transports (DfT) bus retrofit programme (see section 3.2) and the predicated effect this will have on achieving legal air quality limits within the shortest possible time (as per our Ministerial Direction),


• Endorses the proposed approach to clean air investment planning, and note that further development will continue,


• Endorses the proposal to commit an initial £1m of CAZ surplus income to accelerate air quality improvement initiatives around schools and improve air quality for children traveling to school, as described in section 3.1, and note that officers will keep members of the committee informed of the development of the initiatives.




Reasons for Decision




Our modelling (approved by Government) at OBC and FBC stage included showed that all buses in Sheffield and those on key routes in Rotherham needed to be a minimum of Euro VI standard equivalent to achieve nitrogen dioxide legal limits in the shortest possible time as per our Ministerial Direction.


Therefore, achieving reduced emissions from scheduled buses is a material part of our Directed scheme, fundamental to achieving compliance with legal limits and continued liaison with HM Government to secure greater financial support to provide funding and solutions to reduce bus emissions and transition to a zero-emission bus fleet in Sheffield is critical.



As set out in this and the December 2023 committee report a cautionary approach will be taken to expenditure of CAZ surplus income to ensure sufficient funds are retained to cover life-cycle operation costs and any further mitigating activities required to achieve legal nitrogen dioxide limits across the city. However, it is important that there is continued investment in complimentary activities to reduce traffic emissions and improve air quality.



The recommendations for initial investment build on existing, successful schemes enabling these to be expanded to benefit school children and communities across Sheffield.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The parameters for use of CAZ income are described in section 3.1 and 6.3 of this report. Options for investment of CAZ surplus must meet the legislative purposes set out in the CSO Clean Air Zone Charging Scheme Order | Sheffield City Council. Options that do not meet the legislative key criteria cannot be considered.


As described in section 3.0 eligible options are under development and will continue to be reviewed with TRC members as work progresses. Options being considered for further development include strategic infrastructure projects that provide significant improvements to active travel, public transport and complementary public realm and environmental infrastructure (e.g. green walls).


Supporting documents: