Agenda item

Update on Rose Garden Cafe

Report of the Executive Director – Neighbourhood Services



The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods providing an update on the progress made by officers and the Rose Garden Café Partnership on the recommendations approved by the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee on October 18th 2023.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-

1. Notes the progress made towards the actions agreed in the October 2023 report.

2. Agrees to receive a further report following the local elections on progress towards the recommendations agreed in the October 2023 report.

3. Notes that further updates and decisions will be taken to the appropriate Committee as required.



Reasons for Decision


To ensure Members are informed of the progress made by the Rose Garden Café Partnership.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


This report was produced to provide an update on progress made towards the recommendations made in the Rose Garden Café October 18th 2023 report. The only alternative option would have been to not produce an update report in March and wait for the next committee meeting, which was discounted by Officers.






The committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods providing an update on the progress made by officers and the Rose Garden Café Partnership on the recommendations approved by the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee on October 18th 2023.


The Project Manager advised that the Partnership had appointed a Chair and the Terms of Reference were under development. The public consultation would be launched 15th March and the results would shape the brief for the work required. A route for procurement for the structural engineer had been agreed. A proposal and cost plan would be created after the structural survey was complete.


A representative of the Friends of Graves Park, one of the Rose Garden Café partners, gave an overview of the funding situation. It was explained that a list of potential funding sources had been compiled, including criteria. Once the structural survey was completed and an estimate for the work received, then applications could begin.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-

1. Notes the progress made towards the actions agreed in the October 2023 report.

2. Agrees to receive a further report following the local elections on progress towards the recommendations agreed in the October 2023 report.

3. Notes that further updates and decisions will be taken to the appropriate Committee as required.



Reasons for Decision


To ensure Members are informed of the progress made by the Rose Garden Café Partnership.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected


This report was produced to provide an update on progress made towards the recommendations made in the Rose Garden Café October 18th 2023 report. The only alternative option would have been to not produce an update report in March and wait for the next committee meeting, which was discounted by Officers.




Supporting documents: