Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.



The Committee received the following questions from members of the public who had submitted questions prior to the meeting:


(a)  Donald Lennox (present)


“What has recently changed or will be introduced in 2024 in South West area in respect of care and wellbeing services?


There have been a number of city council reports referring to a transformation in such matters e.g. Hospital discharge and urgent care plans, preventative health care services, place-based initiatives to improve care health and wellbeing, integrated pathways of care, Team Around the Person, primary care networks, pathways for support and information platforms about care and health.


Will we live longer and better as a result of these and how will local people be engaged in service development?”


Mr Lennox advised that a meeting had been arranged to discuss the question, between him, members of the LAC team and senior public health officers on the 8th March.


(b)  Julia Watkinson (not present)


“What Council fundraising support can we seek to offer teenagers and young adults for essential mental health benefits through recreational play and the environment?


Our vision for 2025 and beyond is to create an outdoor activity hub for teenagers to meet and acquire ‘self-taught’ agility skills such as skateboarding and low-level core and team building activities.  


I am the current Chair of More in Dore (Dore Recreation Ground Playground Appeal) (‘MID’).


MID is a subcommittee of Dore Village Society (Charity Commission No. 1017051).  There are 4 of us who juggle parenting, work commitments and fundraising.


Since 2018, with the fantastic support of Sarah Garrett and the SCC Parks Team, we have raised and spent £39,500 to begin to refurbish the playground. As with many playgrounds within Sheffield, Dore has not benefitted from Council funding for over 20 years.  The high cost of equipment and safety surface (which has to be installed in conjunction with Sheffield City Council who maintain equipment and retain liability) means the £39,500 has done little more than add a small toddler and Junior climbing frame.


Next year the Council will remove the swings.  We are currently fundraising to replace the slide, removed during 2023.


We would like help and guidance as to how best to fundraise to achieve our aim of safe recreational play for all ages and abilities. Currently the playground cannot cater for children with disabilities.


Our focus for 2025 and beyond is mental health and the environment.”  


The Chair advised that a written response would be provided for Ms Watkinson and published on the Council’s website.





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