Report of the Chief Licensing Officer
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The Chief Licensing Officer submitted a report on an application made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a premises licence in respect of the premises known as D’Ahni’s, (fka The Barrel Inn), 123 London Road, Sheffield, S2 4LE (Ref. No. 22/24). |
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Present at the meeting were Peter Price and Isheena Whitely (Applicants), Samantha Bond (Legal Adviser to the Sub-Committee), Jayne Gough (Licensing Strategy and Policy Officer), Rosemary Henry (Objector) and Clare Cummins (Democratic Services). |
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Samantha Bond outlined the procedure to be followed during the hearing. |
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Jayne Gough presented the report to the Sub-Committee, and it was noted that a representation had been received from an interested party and was attached at Appendix ‘B’ of the report. The objector was in attendance at the meeting. Ms Gough confirmed that the application had been referred to the Licensing Sub-Committee due to an unresolved representation by a local resident following a consultation period. The applicants had agreed with the Environmental Protection Service and South Yorkshire Police to reduce the original proposed licensed operating hours. These were attached at Appendix ‘C’ of the report. |
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Councillor David Barker, Chair of the Sub-Committee, invited questions regarding the report. |
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Samantha Bond asked the applicant if they intended to serve hot food after 11pm. |
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Peter Price stated that they might consider this at a later point in time. |
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Rosemary Henry made the following representations:-
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In response to questions from Members of, and the Legal Adviser to, the Sub-Committee, Ms Henry confirmed the following:
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Peter Price and Isheena Whitely outlined their application and stated the following –
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In response to questions from Members of, and the Legal Adviser to, the Sub-Committee, the applicants confirmed the following:
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Samantha Bond clarified that the opening times agreed with South Yorkshire Police were 10am each day, and not 9am as had been stated in Appendix ‘C’ of the report. |
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The applicants summed up their application. |
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Jayne Gough outlined the options available to the Sub-Committee. |
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RESOLVED: That the public and press and attendees involved in the application be excluded from the meeting, and the webcast be paused, before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, if those persons were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraph 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended. |
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Samantha Bond orally gave legal advice to the Sub Committee on various aspects of the application. |
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The meeting was then re-opened to the public and press and attendees and the webcast recommenced. |
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RESOLVED: That the application to grant a premises license in respect of the premises known as D’Ahni’s (fka The Barrell Inn), 123 London Road, Sheffield, S2 4LE (Ref. No. 22/24) be granted in the terms requested, subject to the conditions agreed with the Environmental Protection Service and South Yorkshire Police, as detailed in Appendix ‘C’, and the amended opening and operating hours as follows: -
Licensable activities:
Sunday to Thursday - 10.00 – 00.00 hrs Friday and Saturday - 10.00 – 01.00 hrs
Opening hours:
Sunday to Thursday - 10.00 – 00.30 hrs Friday and Saturday - 10.00 – 01.30 hrs
(NOTE: The full reasons for the Sub Committee’s decision will be included in the written Notice of Determination). |
Supporting documents: