Agenda item

Relocation of Step Down Services



The report was presented by Gemma Robinson. General Manager, Acute Services, Sheffield Health and Social Care, and Richard Bulmer, Head of Service, Sheffield Health and Social Care.



Members offered their thanks for the report and praised the positive work which had gone into developing the facility.



The following additional information was provided in response to questions from Members of the Sub-Committee:

  • Whilst it was acknowledged that the Step-Down model saved money overall, there would still be a resource issue in creating more similar beds, as that would involve releasing money from other parts of the NHS system.  Additionally bed resource (i.e. space) was an issue.
  • Improved recovery times were due to a range of factors including the provision of a more enriching and positive environment for patients, and improved infection control.
  • Greater integration of patients into the community also aided recovery, e.g. a minibus was used to help patients access local transport.
  • Investment in buildings had greatly contributed to quality of care.
  • Work was being done to address the shortage of staff workspace.
  • Research could be conducted to learn more about what the outcomes for patients were when they returned to the community.
  • The cost of staffing was less than in an acute ward as it did not require registered nurses.
  • An ongoing conversation was required around where new investment should be targeted, i.e. in the community in order to try and prevent hospital admissions by capturing people before they are in crisis, or in acute care.
  • Efforts were being made to prevent patients being stuck in a cycle of admission, but re-admission should not be assumed to be a failure as it was often what the patient needed.
  • Waiting times in the NHS could contribute to people reaching a mental health crisis. With regards to Sheffield Health and Social Care services, investment had been made in “waiting well” to try and target people most at need of mental health services.



The Chair (Councillor Ruth Milsom) advised that she had visited the Centre and the photographs in the report were an accurate representation of the facilities.



Members discussed their support for the Step-Down model and how in their view the NHS should invest more in this type of service, in order to expand similar provision.  It was agreed that a letter should be written to the Integrated Care Board (ICB) in recognition of the positive work that was taking place and the effect the facility had had on service users and on acute care.  It was also agreed that the facility should be submitted as an example to the Council’s developing Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  Members also requested that their positive feedback be passed to facility staff.



RESOLVED: that the Sub Committee:

(a)  Requests the Chair write a letter to the ICB:

·       Highlighting the positive work that has been done in terms of relocating, managing staff and service user consultation, and the successes of the new facility;

·       Requesting positive feedback be passed on to the facility’s staff;

·       Including Members thoughts on the value of the service and how it might be developed in the future to provide more capacity in the non-acute setting; and

(b)  Requests that the Step-Down facility be referenced as an example, within the emerging Health and Wellbeing Strategy.




Supporting documents: