Agenda item

Changes to Scrutiny Statutory Referral Powers.

Update from Deborah Glen, Policy and Improvement Officer.



A verbal update was given by Laurie Brennan, Head of Policy and Partnerships, who drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to a document tabled at the meeting and subsequently published as a supplement on the Council’s website, “Health Scrutiny and the New Configuration Arrangements: A Further Guide for Scrutiny Practitioners”, published by the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CFGS).  This outlined the changes to the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health ScrutinyRegulations 2013.



Laurie Brennan advised that the changes were summarised on Page 2 of the CFGS guide, i.e. that from 31st January 2024 local health overview and scrutiny committees would no longer be able to formally refer matters relating to reconfigurations of local health services to the Secretary of State. Instead, the Secretary of State would have a broad power to intervene in local services, and scrutiny committees would have the right to be formally consulted on how the Secretary of State used their powers to “call in” proposals.  The Sub-Committee would be able to ask the Secretary of State to intervene but this would not constitute a formal referral and so would not guarantee intervention.



Members expressed their disappointment regarding this change and commented that the former official referral power had not been used frequently, but its existence had provided useful leverage.  In future it would be increasingly important to work in partnership with the community sector, such as Healthwatch, to bring about change.



Members discussed the desirability of developing a Memorandum of Understanding between commissioners, providers and the Sub-Committee as outlined on page 8 of the CFGS guide, in order to establish ways of working under the new regulations.  A request was made for this to be added to the Sub-Committee’s work plan for the upcoming municipal year.



RESOLVED: That the Sub Committee:

(a)  notes the update and

(b)  agrees that the development of a Memorandum of Understanding with local providers and commissioners be placed on its work programme for the 2024-25 municipal year.




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