Agenda item

Amey (Streets Ahead) Contract Performance

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



To provide an update on contract performance for Highways Maintenance between Sheffield City Council and Amey Hallam Highways (AHH) (subcontracted to Amey LG (Amey)) as part of a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contract dated 31 July 2012 which is due to expire in 2037 (the Contract).




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee:


1.     notes the Amey Contract Performance Report at closed Appendix 3;


2.     notes the trials on new ways of working for street cleansing, leafing and planned drainage programmes;


3.     notes that performance with customer responses is improving and the Authority continues to work with Amey to finalise an Action Plan; and


4.     notes the areas of improvement to strengthen monitoring and auditing function.




Reasons for Decision




The reason for this report is for the Committee to note the points outlined above and in the closed Appendix 3 and note Officers proposed way forward.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The report was for noting, there were no alternatives considered and rejected.




The Assistant Director – Highways Maintenance submitted a report that provided an update on contract performance for Highways Maintenance between Sheffield City Council and Amey Hallam Highways (subcontracted to Amey LG (Amey)) as part of a Private Finance Initiative contract dated 31 July 2012 which is due to expire in 2037.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee:


1.     notes the Amey Contract Performance Report at closed Appendix 3;


2.     notes the trials on new ways of working for street cleansing, leafing and planned drainage programmes;


3.     notes that performance with customer responses is improving and the Authority continues to work with Amey to finalise an Action Plan; and


4.     notes the areas of improvement to strengthen monitoring and auditing function.




Reasons for Decision




The reason for this report is for the Committee to note the points outlined above and in the closed Appendix 3 and note Officers proposed way forward.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The report was for noting, there were no alternatives considered and rejected.


Supporting documents: