Agenda item

Road Safety Action Plan

Report of the Executive Director City Futures


Report to follow



Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures seeking approval for the Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2029.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


a)    Endorse the progression of the points and actions in the Road Safety Action Plan 2024 – 2029 – Action List, within the Road Safety Action Plan, and,

b)    Note that any actions requiring future approval by the committee will be reported back to the committee at a future date.




Reasons for Decision




The expected benefits from the action plan are focused on road safety – to reduce the opportunities for road traffic collisions resulting in injury. This aligns with Sheffield and South Yorkshire's joint aim of Vision Zero.



Further expected benefits from the measures outlined in the action plan are an increase in safety, perception of safety, and improving health by supporting safe active travel movements.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




‘Do nothing’ has been considered but is not deemed appropriate as Sheffield needs a Road Safety Action Plan.






Members considered a report of the Executive Director of City Futures seeking approval for the Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2029.




Discussion took place around the five pillars of safety and whether these could be listed in order of priority; further work that could be done to educate children who would then, in turn, influence their parents; and removing barriers to walking and cycling for example, by increased gritting of pavements in winter and improved lighting.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


a)    Endorse the progression of the points and actions in the Road Safety Action Plan 2024 – 2029 – Action List, within the Road Safety Action Plan, and,

b)    Note that any actions requiring future approval by the committee will be reported back to the committee at a future date.




Reasons for Decision




The expected benefits from the action plan are focused on road safety – to reduce the opportunities for road traffic collisions resulting in injury. This aligns with Sheffield and South Yorkshire's joint aim of Vision Zero.



Further expected benefits from the measures outlined in the action plan are an increase in safety, perception of safety, and improving health by supporting safe active travel movements.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




‘Do nothing’ has been considered but is not deemed appropriate as Sheffield needs a Road Safety Action Plan.




Supporting documents: