Agenda item

Advertising and Sponsorship Policy

Report of the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement



The report presents a draft Advertising and Sponsorship Policy for approval. If adopted the policy will govern how all advertising and sponsorship matters are managed across the Council.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance Committee approves the Advertising and Sponsorship Policy attached to this report at Appendix 1 for Council-wide implementation regarding all advertising and sponsorship matters with effect from 1st April 2024.




Reasons for Decision




The draft Advertising and Sponsorship Policy will ensure that the Council acts consistently and fairly in managing Advertising and Sponsorship outputs/relationships, with restrictions as proposed.




Mitigations have been considered in terms of financial and commercial impact and to allow a managed transition across sectors that will be affected by the terms of the policy, including support for local businesses, and managing third-party agreements.




The long-term predicted savings and impact present benefits across health and environmental related issues.




The restrictions included in the policy reflect the commitments in the Council Plan, the values of the authority and the priorities that the Council is working towards.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Bring in a policy with fewer restrictions – the Council could adopt a policy that provides the framework for all advertising and sponsorship outputs but does not voluntarily adopt restrictions that go any further than national legislation. This could however leave the Council in a position of entering into agreements with organisations that do not align to our values, and promoting products and services that are counter-productive to Council priorities, having a negative impact on people’s health, lives and our environment.




Do nothing – the Council could continue to manage advertising and sponsorship outputs and relationships on an adhoc basis. This could however leave the Council in a position of entering into agreements with organisations that do not align to our values, and promoting products and services that are counter-productive to Council priorities, having a negative impact on people’s health, lives and our environment. It could also result in an inconsistent and unfair approach to decision making.




The Advertising and Sponsorship Officer submitted a report that presented the draft Advertising and Sponsorship Policy for approval. If adopted the policy would govern how all advertising and sponsorship matters are managed across the Council.




Officers agreed to provide further information on whether the Local Plan could include a policy relating to the positioning of advertising boards.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance Committee approves the Advertising and Sponsorship Policy attached to this report at Appendix 1 for Council-wide implementation regarding all advertising and sponsorship matters with effect from 1st April 2024.




Reasons for Decision




The draft Advertising and Sponsorship Policy will ensure that the Council acts consistently and fairly in managing Advertising and Sponsorship outputs/relationships, with restrictions as proposed.




Mitigations have been considered in terms of financial and commercial impact and to allow a managed transition across sectors that will be affected by the terms of the policy, including support for local businesses, and managing third-party agreements.




The long-term predicted savings and impact present benefits across health and environmental related issues.




The restrictions included in the policy reflect the commitments in the Council Plan, the values of the authority and the priorities that the Council is working towards.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Bring in a policy with fewer restrictions – the Council could adopt a policy that provides the framework for all advertising and sponsorship outputs but does not voluntarily adopt restrictions that go any further than national legislation. This could however leave the Council in a position of entering into agreements with organisations that do not align to our values, and promoting products and services that are counter-productive to Council priorities, having a negative impact on people’s health, lives and our environment.




Do nothing – the Council could continue to manage advertising and sponsorship outputs and relationships on an adhoc basis. This could however leave the Council in a position of entering into agreements with organisations that do not align to our values, and promoting products and services that are counter-productive to Council priorities, having a negative impact on people’s health, lives and our environment. It could also result in an inconsistent and unfair approach to decision making.


Supporting documents: