Agenda item

Occupational Therapy, Equipment and Adapted Housing and City-Wide Care Alarms, Technology Enabled Care Update



The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director for Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided an update regarding Occupational Therapy, Equipment, Adapted Housing and Technology Enabled Care services and the impact that had been made through the Delivery Plan agreed in November 2022.


The report detailed the activity underway to achieve an accessible, responsive and outcome focused equipment, adaptations and technology enabled care service.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:


-       Notes the planned reviews of the Integrated Equipment Loan Services and adapted housing to take place during 2024 – 2025.

-       Approves the updated Equipment and Adaptations Criteria at Appendix

-       Notes the update on the delivery of the Council’s Occupational Therapy and City-Wide Care Alarms Services including development of a fall prevention service as a partnership with Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

-       Note progress in delivering Technology Enabled Care ambitions.

-       Requests that the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing provides the Committee with updates on progress and outcomes in relation to the performance and financial spend on a six-monthly basis.




Reasons for Decision
























The performance updates and focused delivery plan gives a structured approach to the promotion of independent living as well as how the service is addressing waiting lists and impact of the pandemic. It will also provide greater accountability and transparency of how we will do this.


Asking for regular updates and refreshes of the plan will keep the Committee, wider stakeholders, and the public the ability to hold the Council to account for progress and provide an additional mechanism to input to future development.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The alternative options considered were: Don’t complete a delivery plan for equipment and adaptations performance and financial recovery. This would not provide the assurances required to ensure that we are striving towards a high performing and financially sustainable service.




Supporting documents: