Report of Alexis Chappell, Director of Public Health and Adult Social Care and Ian Atkinson, Deputy Place Director (Sheffield).
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The report, which outlined the 2023/24 Better Care Fund Quarter 3 performance, was presented by Catherine Bunten (Assistant Director of Commissioning and Partnerships, Sheffield City Council).
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Board members discussed a report which was being prepared on avoidable admissions to hospital, which was due to be presented to the next meeting. Data had been requested to establish which areas people affected were from, and whether they were being unnecessarily admitted to hospital for medical or wellbeing reasons.
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The Chair, Councillor Angela Argenzio, asked for clarification as to how people were referred to City Wide Care Alarms and whether Board Members could do more to promote the service. Janet Kerr advised that it was always mentioned when social work assessments were carried out.
RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board notes the 2023/24 Better Care Fund Quarter 3 Performance report.
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