Agenda item

Health Protection

Report of Greg Fell, Director of Public Health.



The report which updated the Board on the health protection system, highlighted the key issues facing the system in Sheffield, made recommendations to address those challenges, and focussed on Measles, was presented by Ruth Granger (Consultant in Public Health, Sheffield City Council). 



Members discussed a recent outbreak of Measles which had been successfully contained.  Vaccinations being carried out in the affected school had contributed to the containment.  Members agreed that the response had been a good example of the system pulling together. The Board discussed the importance of trusted environments and heard how schools had been involved in MMR vaccinations work in other areas.  The Board agreed that the Co-Chairs would write to NHS England and the School Aged Immunisation Provider (Sheffield Children’s Hospital) to see if this could be explored in Sheffield.  It was also agreed that the Board’s Co-Chairs should write to NHS England reiterating the concerns previously raised in a letter sent in 2022 regarding the funding for vaccinations in GP practices, and how the current system meant more deprived areas were underfunded.



Greg Fell advised that he would circulate the relevant Health Protection Outcomes to Board Members.  He added that Sexually Transmitted Infection rates were particularly under pressure and the strategy relating to this was being revisited.



RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board:

(a)  Will write to NHS England regarding vaccination funding and involvement of schools in vaccination programmes.

(b)  Notes learning from the Measles outbreak for individual organisations and the system as a whole including the value of engagement with communities through trusted community partners; and

(c)  Thanks partners and individuals within the Sheffield system who responded with promptness and great expertise to the Measles outbreak. This includes all who contributed to the vaccination provision in the school and those who continue to be involved in delivering vaccination in primary and secondary care and in community settings.




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