Report of Greg Fell, Director of Public Health.
9a.1 |
This item was presented in conjunction with Item 9b. Two reports were presented. The first summarised the key points in the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Annual report for 2023/24 and was presented by Dan Spicer (Policy and Improvement Officer, Sheffield City Council). The second report described progress on the development of the Sheffield Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2034 and was presented by Susan Hird (Consultant in Public Health, Sheffield City Council).
9a.2 |
Members discussed the shift to greater and more equitable investment in the social determinants of health and prevention, and how this would necessitate difficult conversations regarding what the system should stop funding.
Members also discussed the potential benefits of meeting outside formal committee settings, for Board development and to provide opportunities to engage in deep dives into health and wellbeing issues in a less formal and restrictive environment.
9a.4 |
RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board: (a) Endorses the Annual Report for 2023/24; and (b) Agrees to incorporate the issues raised in the Annual Report into a development session focused on delivery of the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy
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