Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting
3.1 |
Councillor Cliff Woodcraft declared a personal interest in agenda Item No.9a, Planning Application No. 23/03631/FUL - 45A Brooklands Avenue, Sheffield, S10 4GB. He stated that he had a conversation with a constituent in 2023 regarding a nearby tree and had subsequently written a letter to the Applicant, however this had no connection with the planning application, which he approached with an open mind, therefore he would take part in the discussion and voting thereon.
3.2 |
Councillor Alan Woodcock stated regarding agenda Item No. 9a, Planning Application No. 23/03631/FUL - 45A Brooklands Avenue, Sheffield, S10 4GB, that he confirmed that he had no disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests in the application and had an open mind in relation to the application report.
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