Report of the Director of Street Scene and Regulation
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Mark Reeder, (Technical Officer) attended the meeting and presented the report.
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The Highway Authority had received a request from the Public Rights of Way Team requesting a diversion of footpath SHE/162. The closure was considered expedient in the interests of the public.
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No objections had been received from the statutory undertakers, emergency services and other relevant bodies. Public consultation would be carried out once the Order was made.
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1. No objections be raised to the proposed diversion of part of the definitive public footpath SHE/162, as shown on the plan included as Appendix A to the report, subject to satisfactory arrangements being made with Statutory Undertakers in connection with any of their mains and services that may be affected; and
2. Authority be given to the Director of Legal and Governance to a. Take all necessary action to divert the footpath under the powers contained within Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980. b. Confirm the Order as an Unopposed Order, in the event of no objections being received, or any objections received being resolved and withdrawn prior to the order being confirmed.
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