Agenda item

Strategy and Resources Policy Committee - 2024/25 The Year Ahead

Report of Chief Executive



The Chief Executive presented a report setting out the significant progress the Council had made in 2023/34, working with communities and partners to agree long-term City Goals for Sheffield and a four-year Council Plan aligned to our Medium-Term Financial Strategy. Our progress was recognised by the LGA in our Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review (Dec 23) and demonstrated by the delivery of real impact for citizens – from our ‘good’ OFSTED rating for children’s services to the transformation of our city centre and creating the UK’s first Investment Zone.


This paper outlines a forward agenda for the 2024/25 year, setting out the key  steps we need to take to build on the progress made last year to deliver our

Council Plan. This includes the need to prioritise our resources on our Council Plan outcomes and become a community and customer focused organisation to deliver high quality services for the people of Sheffield and address the financial pressure facing the Council.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) notes the progress made in 2023/24, recognising the work of Members, officers and partners to establish strong strategic foundations for the organisation;


(b) notes the key issues identified in section 3 of the report as part of our

forward agenda for 2024/25; and


(c) agrees to work across Policy Committees to ensure the opportunities and issues identified in section 3 are taken forward as part of Committee workplans in 2024/25.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations support the continued strategic development of the organisation and will enable the delivery of our Council Plan by agreeing the key issues that we need to address in the 2024/25 year.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Not set out a forward agenda for 2024/25 – this was rejected because having agreed a new Council Plan, we need to set out for citizens the things we want to achieve in 2024/25.




The Chief Executive presented a report setting out the significant progress the Council had made in 2023/34, working with communities and partners to agree long-term City Goals for Sheffield and a four-year Council Plan aligned to our Medium-Term Financial Strategy. Our progress was recognised by the LGA in our Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review (Dec 23) and demonstrated by the delivery of real impact for citizens – from our ‘good’ OFSTED rating for children’s services to the transformation of our city centre and creating the UK’s first Investment Zone.


This paper outlines a forward agenda for the 2024/25 year, setting out the key  steps we need to take to build on the progress made last year to deliver our

Council Plan. This includes the need to prioritise our resources on our Council Plan outcomes and become a community and customer focused organisation to deliver high quality services for the people of Sheffield and address the financial pressure facing the Council.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) notes the progress made in 2023/24, recognising the work of Members, officers and partners to establish strong strategic foundations for the organisation;


(b) notes the key issues identified in section 3 of the report as part of our

forward agenda for 2024/25; and


(c) agrees to work across Policy Committees to ensure the opportunities and issues identified in section 3 are taken forward as part of Committee workplans in 2024/25.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations support the continued strategic development of the organisation and will enable the delivery of our Council Plan by agreeing the key issues that we need to address in the 2024/25 year.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Not set out a forward agenda for 2024/25 – this was rejected because having agreed a new Council Plan, we need to set out for citizens the things we want to achieve in 2024/25.


Supporting documents: