Report of Executive Director Neighbourhood Services
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The Executive Director Neighbourhood Services submitted a report setting out a draft Housing Strategy for Sheffield. The report sets out five strategic housing ambitions for the next decade to achieve our vision that everyone in Sheffield has a home that supports good health and is suitable for their needs and aspirations. Having good quality, sustainable homes that meet the needs of our growing population is a vital part of achieving the outcomes in the Council Plan, contributing to driving the prosperity of the city, our communities and ensuring that we take action to protect our environment. The draft Housing Strategy is a Tier 1 strategy for Sheffield City Council as it sets the longer-term strategic direction for housing in the city and will be underpinned by more detailed strategies and delivery plans to achieve specific commitments (eg. Housing Growth Delivery Plan). Citizens and partners have been involved in shaping the draft Housing Strategy vision and ambitions and it is recommended that we undertake further consultation on the draft Strategy before presenting a finalised version to Strategy and Resources Policy Committee in the autumn of 2024. |
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RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:- |
(a) endorse the draft Housing Strategy, as set out in Appendix 1;
(b) approves the launch of a second phase of public consultation on the draft Housing Strategy;
(c) agrees that the outcome of the consultation on the draft Housing Strategy will be presented back to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee in the autumn of 2024; and
(d) agrees that a final draft of the Housing Strategy will be presented to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee in the autumn of 2024 for consideration and approval. |
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Reasons for Decision |
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It is not a legal or statutory requirement to have a Housing Strategy and therefore there is no legal requirement for the Council to carry out consultation. However, the Council cannot deliver the Housing Strategy on its own and, as a Council, we are committed to working with residents and partners across the city to develop strategies that effectively meet the needs of our communities and sets the Sheffield’s strategic ambition for Housing. |
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Approval to launch the second phase of consultation on the draft text of the Strategy will allow for this vital engagement with residents, partners and community groups across the city, and timely completion of the project to deliver the new Strategy. |
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Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
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Do not develop a Housing Strategy: The development of a Housing Strategy is not a statutory duty. The Council is not, therefore required to produce one, and other strategies, such as Homelessness Prevention and Rough Sleeping Strategy, are produced to consider specific issues. However, this option was rejected, on the grounds that a long-term, strategic document is seen as critical to guide planning, development/investment and policy over the next decade and this is a cornerstone strategy for the city. A Housing Strategy is produced by Local Authorities in comparable cities to set their strategic vision and ambition for Housing. The approach to not develop a Housing Strategy is therefore Not recommended. |
Supporting documents: