Agenda item

To Appoint A Deputy Leader Of The Council For The Municipal Year 2024-25



The Lord Mayor (Councillor Jayne Dunn) sought nominations for the position of Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024-25.




Councillor Mary Lea nominated Councillor Fran Belbin to serve as Deputy Leader of the Council.  That nomination was seconded by Councillor Ruth Milsom.




No further nominations for the position of Deputy Leader were received.




Accordingly, the Lord Mayor put the nomination of Councillor Fran Belbin to the vote, whereupon it was:-




RESOLVED: That Councillor Fran Belbin be appointed Deputy Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024-25, serving until the date of the next Annual Meeting of the Council in 2025.




(NOTE: The result of the vote on the Motion was FOR - 62 Members; AGAINST - 3 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 14 Members.)