Agenda item

Appointments To Council Panels, Working Groups, Etc. And To External Bodies For The Municipal Year 2024-25

To approve appointments to Council Panels, Working Groups, etc, and to external bodies, for the Municipal Year 2024-25, in accordance with details to be circulated at the meeting.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: On the motion formally moved by Councillor Mary Lea, and formally seconded by Councillor Joe Otten, that:-




(a)      approval be given to the establishment, with the suggested memberships shown, of the Council panels, working groups etc for the Municipal Year 2024-25, set out in the schedule circulated at the meeting;




(b)      approval be given to the appointment of Members to serve on external bodies in the Municipal Year 2024-25, also as set out in the schedule now circulated;




(c)      as respects the appointment of Members to its various bodies, where vacancies exist or in cases of urgency to ensure representation, the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the relevant political group whip, be authorised to appoint Members to serve on such bodies, as necessary, on the understanding that details of such appointments will be reported to the next or subsequent meetings of the Council; and




(d)      as respects the appointment of representatives to serve on outside bodies, where vacancies exist or in cases of urgency to ensure representation, the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the relevant political group whip, be authorised to nominate representatives to serve on such bodies, as necessary, on the understanding that details of such nominations will be reported to the next or subsequent meetings of the Council.










Liberal Democrat


Sheffield Community Cllrs/Other

Access Liaison Group (x5)

Cllr Mick Rooney

Cllr Gareth Slater

Cllr Mark Whittaker


Cllr Gail Smith

Cllr Cliff Woodcraft



Allotments and Leisure Gardens Advisory Group (x5)

Cllr Mark Whittaker

Cllr Barbara Masters

Cllr Cliff Woodcraft

Cllr Marieanne Elliot

Cllr Brian Holmshaw







Armed Forces (x1)




Cllr Denise Fox

Heritage (x1)






Migration (x1)

Cllr Nabeela Mowlana




Complaints Review Panel




1 Independent Chair and 2 further Independent Members


Corporate Joint Committee with Trade Unions

·       Leader

·       Deputy Leader

·       Policy Committee Chairs





Cllr Denise Fox

Corporate Members Group

·       Leader of each Group

·       Deputy Leader of each Group

·       Whip of each Group


Cllr Fran Belbin

Cllr Tom Hunt

Cllr Mary Lea

Cllr Penny Baker

Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed

Cllr Joe Otten

Cllr Douglas Johnson

Cllr Angela Argenzio

Cllr Martin Phipps

Cllr Dianne Hurst

Cllr Denise Fox

Cllr Garry Weatherall

Community Parenting Board (x10)


Cllr Rob Bannister

Cllr Dawn Dale

Cllr Mia Drazaic

Cllr Karen McGowan


Cllr Sue Alston

Cllr Penny Baker

Cllr Ann Whitaker

Cllr Toby Mallinson


Cllr Garry Weatherall

Cycle Forum (x3)


Cllr Mark Jones


Cllr Richard Shaw

Cllr Ruth Mersereau


Housing and Neighbourhoods Advisory Panel (x2)

·       Chair of Housing Policy Committee

·       Deputy Chair of Housing Policy Committee






Local Area Committee Chairs Group (x9)

·       7 Local Area Committee Chairs (Deputy Chairs to act as substitutes as necessary)

·       Chair of Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee

·       Chair of Governance Committee






Monitoring and Advisory Board (Adult Services) (x4)

Cllr Laura McClean

Cllr Sophie Thornton




Policy Working Group (Labour)


All Members of the Labour Group




Policy Working Group (Liberal Democrat)



All Members of the Liberal Democrat Group



Policy Working Group (Green)




All Members of the Green Group


Policy Working Group (Sheffield Community Councillors)





All Members of the Sheffield Community Councillors Group


Sheffield Conservation Advisory Group (x2)


Cllr Janet Ridler


Cllr Henry Nottage


Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (x2)



Cllr Cliff Woodcraft



Walking Forum (x3)


Cllr Ben Miskell

Cllr Richard Shaw

Cllr Ruth Mersereau







Liberal Democrat


Sheffield Community Cllrs/Other

(Policy Committee Chairs)




























Liberal Democrat


Sheffield Community Cllrs/Other

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority (x5)


·      2 members (Labour)

·      2 members
(Lib Dem)

·     1 member (Green)

Cllr Laura McClean

Cllr Janet Ridler

Cllr Sue Alston

Cllr Steve Ayris

Cllr Marieanne Elliot


Appointments are made in accordance with the political balance of the local authority and/or South Yorkshire


South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (x5)


·      2 members (Labour)

·      2 members (Lib Dem)

·      1 member (Green)


(NB Sheffield to Chair 2023-24 and 2024-25)

Cllr Jayne Dunn

Cllr Craig Gamble Pugh

Cllr Simon Clement-Jones

Cllr Andrew Sangar

Cllr Alexi Dimond


Appointments are made in accordance with the political balance of the local authority and/or South Yorkshire


South Yorkshire Local Pension Board (x1)


No appointment required for Sheffield


No appointment required for Sheffield




One Sheffield member to be appointed to serve for three years


South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel (x4)


·       2 members (Labour)

·       1 member (Lib Dem)

·       1 member (Green)

Cllr Ruth Milsom

Cllr Ben Miskell

Cllr Ian Horner

Cllr Henry Nottage


Appointments are made in accordance with the political balance of the local authority and/or South Yorkshire


South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (x1)

Chair of Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee, or nominee

Cllr Ruth Milsom





Emergency Planning Shared Services Joint Committee (Rotherham and Sheffield) (x2)

Chair and Deputy Chair of Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee






Joint Advisory Committee for the South Yorkshire Archaeology Service (x2)

Cllr Janet Ridler

Cllr Barbara Masters




South Yorkshire Joint Advisory Committee on Archives (x2)

Cllr Janet Ridler


Cllr Brian Holmshaw



South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership (x1)

Chair of Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee










Liberal Democrat


Sheffield Community Cllrs/Other

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Board (x1, plus x1 substitute)


·       Leader

·       Substitute for the Leader






Overview and Scrutiny Committee (x4, plus x4 substitutes)


·       2 members and 2 named substitutes (Labour)

·       1 member and 1 named substitute (Lib Dem)

·       1 member and 1 named substitute (Green)

Cllr Laura Moynahan

Cllr Zahira Naz

Cllr David Barker (Sub)

Cllr Laura McClean (Sub)

Cllr Tim Huggan

Cllr Joe Otten (Sub)

Cllr Douglas Johnson

Cllr Marieanne Elliot (Sub)



Audit, Standards and Risk Committee (x1, plus x1 substitute)


·       1 member (Lib Dem)

·       1 substitute member (Lib Dem)


Cllr Mike Levery

Cllr Simon Clement-Jones (Sub)






Ann Reresby Trust, High Green (x1)



Cllr Ann Whitaker



Beighton Relief in Need Charity (x1)



Cllr Ann Woolhouse


Mr Ian Saunders

The Bradfield Feoffee Charity (x1)



Cllr Penny Baker



Church Burgesses Educational Foundation (x1)


Cllr Craig Gamble Pugh




Norton Educational Foundation and United Non-Educational Charities (x1)

(plus x4 non-member appointments)



Cllr Steve Ayris


Ms Kobi Cookson

Mr Roy Munn

Mr Phillip Shaddock

Mr Greg Unwin

Poors Land (Ecclesall Bierlow Charity) (x2)

(plus x2 non-member appointments)


Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed

Cllr Joe Otten


Mr Peter Price

Mr Michael Waters




ACIS Local Management Committee (x1, plus x1 substitute)

Cllr David Barker

Cllr Mike Drabble (Sub)





Great Places: Sheffield Housing Board (x2)

Cllr Laura Moynahan

Cllr Alison Norris





Sanctuary Housing: Shiregreen Community Committee (x2)

Cllr Dawn Dale

Cllr Mark Rusling







Health and Care Partnership Board (x4)

Cllr Ruth Misom

Cllr Safiya Saeed

Cllr Richard Williams

Cllr Angela Argenzio


Learning Disabilities Partnership Board (x2)


Cllr Gail Smith



Local Access Forum (x2)

(to be taken from the membership of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee)






Local Government Association General Assembly (x4)

(Split 2:1:1:0 for 2024-25)


Cllr Tom Hunt

Cllr Ben Miskell

Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed

Cllr Douglas Johnson


Manor and Castle Development Trust (x2)


Cllr Elle Dodd

Cllr Laura Moynahan




National Association of British Market Authorities (x1)

(plus x1 non-member appointment)



Cllr Joe Otten


Mr Chris Rosling-Josephs

National Football Trust – Sheffield Local Advisory Group (x1)


Cllr Ibby Ullah



Cllr Denise Fox

Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Joint Committee (x1)




Cllr Henry Nottage


Pat Midgley Community Hub (x1)


Cllr Laura Moynahan




Peak District National Park Authority (x1)


Cllr Mike Chaplin




Reserve and Cadet Forces Association – Yorkshire and Humber
(x1, plus x1 substitute)


Cllr Tony Downing (Sub)



Cllr Denise Fox

River Stewardship Company (x1)




Cllr Douglas Johnson


Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership (SASP) Board (x1)




Cllr Angela Argenzio


Sheffield Business Improvement District Board (x1)

(Chair of Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee)






Sheffield Carers and Young Carers Board (x2)


Cllr Dawn Dale

Cllr Gail Smith



Sheffield City Partnership Board (x3)


Cllr Tom Hunt

Cllr Shaffaq Mohammed

Cllr Douglas Johson


Sheffield City Trust

(x1 Observer)


Cllr Fran Belbin




Sheffield Futures Board (x1)






Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust - Council of Governors (x3)


Cllr Nighat Basharat

Cllr Sophie Thornton



Sheffield Lyceum Theatre Trust Ltd – Directors and Members (x1)

(plus x1 non-member appointment)





Ms Veronica Hardstaff

Sheffield Media and Exhibition Centre Ltd – Directors and Members (x1)




Cllr Ruth Mersereau


Sheffield Museums Trust - Directors and Members (x2)

(plus x1 non-member appointment)


Cllr Laura Moynahan

Cllr Richard Shaw


Ms Cate McDonald

Sheffield Safer and Sustainable Communities Partnership (x3)

(Chair, Deputy Chair and Spokesperson of Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee)






Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (x1)






Sheffield Theatres Trust – Directors and Members (x3)

(plus x1 non-member appointment)




Ms Ruth McDonald

Sheffield Tobacco Control Programme Accountable Board (x2)


Cllr Mary Lea

Cllr Glynis Chapman



Sheffield Waterways Strategy Group (x1)






South Yorkshire Leaders’ Group (x1)

(Leader of the Council)






SOAR Community (x4)

Cllr Nikki Belfield

Cllr Mike Chaplin

Cllr Talib Hussain

Cllr Abdul Khayum




South Yorkshire Sub-Regional Migration Group (x1)




Cllr Alexi Dimond


South Yorkshire Transport User Group (x1)


Cllr Abdul Khayum




Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (x1)






Transport 4 All


Cllr Abdul Khayum

Cllr Ian Horner

Cllr Douglas Johnson


University Technical College Trust Board (x1)


Cllr Jayne Dunn




Upperthorpe and Netherthorpe Healthy Living Centre Trust (x1)


Cllr Laura McClean




Voluntary Action Sheffield (x1)



Cllr Gail Smith



Yorkshire and Humber Employers Committee (x1)


Cllr Fran Belbin




Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (x1)











Appointment to the Role of Heritage Champion




The Lord Mayor (Councillor Jayne Dunn) reported that two nominations for appointment to the role of Heritage Champion had been received from the relevant political group whips.  The nominees were Councillors Janet Ridler and Brian Holmshaw.  To determine which nominee is to be appointed to the role, a vote was to be held and the nominee who receives the higher number of votes will be appointed as Heritage Champion.




Members of the Council were asked to choose between Candidate 1 (Councillor Janet Ridler) and Candidate 2 (Councillor Brian Holmshaw) and any Member present at the meeting who did not vote for one of the two Candidates was deemed to have abstained from voting.




On being put to the vote, the result was that Candidate 1 received 35 votes; Candidate 2 received 15 votes; and 29 Members abstained from voting.




The Lord Mayor stated that Candidate 1 (Councillor Janet Ridler) had received the most votes and therefore, it was:-




RESOLVED: That Councillor Janet Ridler be appointed to the role of Heritage Champion for the Municipal Year 2024-25.




Supporting documents: