Agenda item

Establishment of Charity Trustee and Urgency Sub-Committees

To (a) (i) agree to establish a standing Charity Trustee Sub-Committee in accordance with the details to be approved at the annual meeting of the Council; (ii) appoint Members to serve on the Sub-Committee (membership is not limited to members of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee); and (iii) appoint the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee, and Group Spokesperson/s as necessary; and


(b) (i) agree to establish an Urgency Sub-Committee to meet as and when required, in accordance with the details to be approved at the annual meeting of the Council; and (ii) appoint Members to serve on the Sub-Committee (in addition to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, and to be drawn from the membership of that Committee).



RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Strategy and Resources  Policy Committee:-




(a) (i) agree to establish a standing Charity Trustee Sub-Committee in accordance with the details approved at the annual meeting of the Council;




(ii) agrees to appoint Members to serve on the Sub-Committee (membership is not limited to members of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee) and the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Committee, and Group Spokesperson/s, as follows;




Councillor Fran Belbin (Deputy Chair)

Councillor Mike Chaplin

Councillor Kurtis Crossland

Councillor Christine Gilligan Kubo (Spokesperson)

Councillor Richard Williams (Chair)


Councillor Marieanne Elliot (Substitute Member)

Councillor Douglas Johnson (Substitute Member)




(b) (i) agree to establish an Urgency Sub-Committee to meet as and when required, in accordance with the details to be approved at the annual meeting of the Council; and




(ii) agrees to appoint Members to serve on the Sub-Committee (in addition to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, and to be drawn from the membership of that Committee) as follows:




Councillor Tom Hunt

Councillor Fran Belbin

Councillor Douglas Johnson

Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed

Councillor Joe Otten