Agenda item

Work Programme



The report was presented by Deborah Glen (Policy and Improvement Officer, Sheffield City Council) who advised Members that the scheduled December item regarding sexual health was from the previous year and should have been deleted from the report.



Members requested the following items be added to the work programme

  • Long Covid Rehabilitation Clinic - outcomes, waiting times, capacity.
  • Waiting times, and the plans for improvements to performance against the 18-week target for outpatients and admissions, arising from the Sheffield Teaching Hospital Quality Report
  • Yorkshire Ambulance Service and waiting times.


Members concluded that the above two items could be considered in conjunction with each other.



Deborah Glen advised that a workshop was being planned in July regarding waiting times for ADHD assessments, prior to the matter coming before the Sub-Committee in September 2024.



RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee agrees the work programme, including the additions and amendments identified.




Supporting documents: