Agenda item

Sheffield Children's Hospital Trust Quality Report



The report, which shared the Sheffield Children’s Hospital Trust Quality Account was presented by Yvonne Millard (Chief Nurse, Sheffield Children's Hospital Trust), and Craig Radford (Chief Operating Officer, Sheffield Children's Hospital Trust) who gave the following additional information in response to questions from Members:

  • The over 65 week wait for some hand surgeries had been due to this being a highly specialised area with a small team which had been affected by absence and maternity leave.  A new consultant had been recruited to resolve this.
  • The “Re-Think” contract had been extended for 6 months to provide the mental health crisis line.
  • Several different systems were used for electronic records due to the variety of services provided. Electronic prescribing had been rolled out.  These systems were embedded as they had been used for a number of years.
  • The figure of 62% of staff taking up the offer of flu vaccinations was an improvement, but some vaccine hesitancy remained. Extra incentives had been put in place and access made easier. It was hoped that there would be further improvement next year.
  • The low CQUIN (Commissioning for Quality and Innovation Framework) target relating to perinatal appointments signified how the outcome of appointments had been recorded i.e. whether this had been fed into a national system - there was no detriment to patient care.
  • Regarding cyber security, each service had an Accountable Emergency Officer and for any new system, a business continuity plan was put in place to ensure care could continue if the system went down.  This was tested throughout the year.
  • There were gaps in data regarding Sepsis. Guidelines had been updated to clarify the “golden hour” for treatment and further work had been done to improve how families were listened to.



Panellists agreed with Members that it would be helpful if progress against objectives was presented more clearly in the report e.g. by a tick or a cross, or by traffic light colours.



The Chair confirmed that written feedback would be provided to the Trust which would reflect the discussion.



RESOLVED: that the Sub-Committee

(a)  notes the contents of the Sheffield Children's Hospital Trust Quality Report and

(b)  will provide written comments on the report by the deadline of 7th June 2024.




Supporting documents: