Agenda item

St Luke's Hospice Quality Report



The report, which shared the St Luke’s Hospice Quality Account was presented by Louise Bearder (Head of Clinical Governance, St Luke’s Hospice), and Jo Lenton (Chief Nurse, St Luke’s Hospice).  A presentation was given which was published on the Council’s website.



Jo Lenton advised that SystmOne was still used for patient records, even though the other Trusts were moving away from it.  This was because most of the Hospice’s caseload was in the community and GP’s and District Nurses needed access to records.



Members noted that the Hospice was budgeting for a deficit but welcomed that there were no planned cuts to services and that the emerging strategy for 2024 to 2028 would continue this approach, which Members felt was a brave decision.



Members welcomed the focus on social prescribing in order to prioritise quality of life, and the Hospice’s ongoing involvement in Compassionate Sheffield.



The Chair confirmed that written feedback would be provided to the Trust which would reflect the discussion.



RESOLVED: that the Sub-Committee

(a)  notes the contents of the St Luke’s Hospice Quality Report and

(b)  will provide written comments on the report by the deadline of 7th June 2024.




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