Agenda item

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust Quality Report



The report which shared the Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust Quality Account was presented by Vanessa Garrity (Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust), Neil Robertson (Director of Operations, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust) and Tania Baxter (Head of Clinical Governance and Risk, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Trust).  A presentation was given which was published on the Council’s website.



Panellists gave the following additional information in response to questions from Members:

  • The Trust was transferring to a new EPR (Electronic Patient Record) system. The ability to connect different systems and ensure access for all staff who need it, was being taken into account.
  • The quality objectives for the next two years were decided by looking at national priorities and consulting stakeholder groups.
  • Co-production was still embedded in improvement work. “Lived Experience” contributors had also been involved in planning e.g. work on the sexual safety strategy had involved a community group, and a carers group had been involved in the strategy for dementia.  There was a well-established engagement team which worked with communities on this.
  • When a board visit took place, a service was identified and that service would decide who the best people were to hear from, and this would include service users and carers.  Efforts were then made to triangulate information arising from these sessions with other available information to make sure it matched up.
  • It was not anticipated that the 30% cut to the ICB (Integrated Care Board)  budget would affect co-production work, e.g. the ICB had recommissioned Re-Think and maintained a clear commitment to co-production.



The Chair confirmed that written feedback would be provided to the Trust which would reflect the discussion.



RESOLVED: that the Sub-Committee

(a)  notes the contents of the Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust Quality Report and

(b)  will provide written comments on the report by the deadline of 7th June 2024.




Supporting documents: