Agenda item

Request to enter into a further 3 year contract to collect Yorkshire Water Rates from Sheffield City Council tenants as an agent of Yorkshire Water

Report of the Executive Director Operational Services



Members considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services explaining that Sheffield City Council (SCC) provided services to Yorkshire Water (YW), acting as an “agent of Yorkshire Water” to collect water rates on behalf of Council tenants. This agreement had been in place for over 20 years, with the current 3 year agreement expiring on 31st March 2024.


The report set out the detail of the proposal to enter in to a new 3 year contract with Yorkshire Water. The report sought approval of the terms of contract offered by Yorkshire Water by the Housing Policy Committee for the period 1st July 2024 – 31st March 2027.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-



1.    Notes the contents of this report.

2.    Authorises the entry into the contract offered by Yorkshire Water to allow Sheffield City Council (SCC) to enter into a new contract to collect water rates on behalf of Yorkshire Water (YW) from Council tenants.

3.    Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to complete all necessary documentation.




Reasons for Decision


Sheffield City Council have been collecting water rates as an agent of Yorkshire Water for over 20 years. The contract is mutually beneficial for all parties. Sheffield City Council receive an income which is used to administer the Yorkshire Water Contract and support Council tenants to pay their water rates and support other housing services. Yorkshire Water receive a high collection rate, and trained staff who support tenants to access their support schemes. Tenants benefit from being able to make one payment for both their rent and water rates, as well as being able to access trained staff who are experts in providing financial inclusion and support, helping them to manage their money, pay their bills and ultimately sustain their tenancy.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The alternative is to not collect water rates for Yorkshire Water. This would however result in a reduction in service for tenants, who would have to make payments direct to Yorkshire Water as well as their rent. Tenants would also not have the additional support to apply for water support grants. Yorkshire Water would require time to develop alternative arrangements to collect outstanding water rates. There would also be a reduction in income to the Council, which is currently being used to support housing services within the Council’s overall budget.






Members considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services explaining that Sheffield City Council (SCC) provided services to Yorkshire Water (YW), acting as an “agent of Yorkshire Water” to collect water rates on behalf of Council tenants. This agreement had been in place for over 20 years, with the current 3 year agreement expiring on 31st March 2024.




The report set out the detail of the proposal to enter in to a new 3 year contract with Yorkshire Water. The report sought approval of the terms of contract offered by Yorkshire Water by the Housing Policy Committee for the period 1st July 2024 – 31st March 2027.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-



1.    Notes the contents of this report.

2.    Authorises the entry into the contract offered by Yorkshire Water to allow Sheffield City Council (SCC) to enter into a new contract to collect water rates on behalf of Yorkshire Water (YW) from Council tenants.

3.    Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance, to complete all necessary documentation.




Reasons for Decision


Sheffield City Council have been collecting water rates as an agent of Yorkshire Water for over 20 years. The contract is mutually beneficial for all parties. Sheffield City Council receive an income which is used to administer the Yorkshire Water Contract and support Council tenants to pay their water rates and support other housing services. Yorkshire Water receive a high collection rate, and trained staff who support tenants to access their support schemes. Tenants benefit from being able to make one payment for both their rent and water rates, as well as being able to access trained staff who are experts in providing financial inclusion and support, helping them to manage their money, pay their bills and ultimately sustain their tenancy.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The alternative is to not collect water rates for Yorkshire Water. This would however result in a reduction in service for tenants, who would have to make payments direct to Yorkshire Water as well as their rent. Tenants would also not have the additional support to apply for water support grants. Yorkshire Water would require time to develop alternative arrangements to collect outstanding water rates. There would also be a reduction in income to the Council, which is currently being used to support housing services within the Council’s overall budget.




Supporting documents: