Agenda item

Exempt Item

This report as a whole is exempt under paragraph 3 as it is ‘Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)’. The publication is not in the public interest as it contains information that is currently embargoed by the funders and the period it remains exempt will be short.



The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures following a successful bid to lead a consortium on behalf of the South Yorkshire region for Music Hubs. The report set out the arrangements of the change to the regional hub structure, and the steps which needed to be taken by Sheffield City Council and the other South Yorkshire Music Hub Consortium members in order for these proposals to be implemented.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-


  • Notes the proposed structure for the new South Yorkshire Music Hub, with South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority acting as lead authority on behalf of the Council, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, City of Doncaster Council and Doncaster Community Arts (DARTS) as approved by the Department of Education and Arts Council England through a competitive tendering process on 8th July 2024.
  • Notes all arrangements required for the Council to finalise the proposals contained in the Arts Council England bid and that the Council will enter into the necessary Governance arrangements and documentation required to implement the new South Yorkshire Music Hub Governance Structure.
  • As part of those arrangements authorises the Council to act as accountable body for the funding from SYMCA.




Reasons for Decision




Supporting SYMCA to act as lead organisation and to provide strategic governance and support is the best solution to enable each Local Authority area to ensure continuity of delivery in 2024/25 academic year and beyond; minimising disruption to activity for Children and Young people and enabling time and energy to be spent on developing and diversifying the offer.




More ambitious plans could then follow with opportunities to access additional ACE / Government funding and contribute collectively to a shared cultural and educational ambition. This could have a profound impact on activity for children and young people who face the greatest barriers.




Opportunities to grow the reach of the Harmony Works project will be enhanced through this strategic relationship.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Options for the new Hub to be led by one of the local authorities was explored. This would include one area taking full responsibility and risk for the delivery of the new Hub. The cost implications of this would mean that the lead hub would need to top slice the grant (around 4%) for back-office costs. The proposal for a consortium led by SYMCA removed the risk of reduced funding as it is being delivered without a charge.