Report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services
Verbal Appeal (Case No. TP/01) |
7.1 |
In attendance were the appellants, an interpreter for the appellants, and Semaira Asif and Vicky Hitchen (Customer Services). |
7.2 |
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked attendees to introduce themselves. She then outlined the procedure which would be followed during the hearing. |
7.3 |
The Strategic Director of Children’s Services submitted a report and commented upon a case where the parent had appealed against the administrative decision made by the Strategic Director with regard to the refusal to grant a home to school travel bus pass (Case No.TP/01). |
7.4 |
Semaira Asif explained the Stage 1 review and Stage 2 appeals process regarding the City Council’s Home to School Transport Policy. Ms Asif informed the Committee of the reasons why the request for a home to school travel pass had been refused at Stage 1. She also informed the Committee that the child was attending a school based upon parental choice, that was not a qualifying school. |
7.5 |
The appellants explained, via the interpreter in attendance, the reasons for their preference of Tapton Secondary School. They stated they had concerns about their child feeling vulnerable around strangers, and that they would prefer for her to attend the same school as her older brother so that they could travel together. They explained that their child received Special Educational Needs support, and that they were awaiting an Education, Health and Care Plan from Tapton Secondary School. They noted their visual disabilities, which resulted in them being unable to walk their child to school and added that both children qualified for free school meals. |
7.6 |
At this stage in the proceedings, the appellants, the interpreter for the appellants, and the officers left the meeting to enable the Committee to consider the evidence. |
7.7 |
RESOLVED: That the appeal be upheld on the grounds that there are exceptional educational, financial, physical and family/social circumstances demonstrated (Case No. TP/01). |
Supporting documents: