Agenda item

School Admission Requests - Mid-Term

Report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services



Request for Prioritisation on Waiting List – Mid-term (Case No.HG1)




The Strategic Director of Children’s Services submitted a report and commented upon a case where a parent had expressed a wish for their child to be admitted to a secondary school of their choice (Case No. HG1). The Committee was requested to consider prioritising the pupil on the waiting list within the ‘catchment’ category, for admission if and when a place becomes available.




The Committee gave consideration to all the supporting evidence and information provided by the pupil’s parents, including a statement provided by the pupil’s social worker, and arising therefrom, it was:-




RESOLVED: That the pupil be given priority on the waiting list in the ‘catchment’ category, on the grounds that the Committee considers that there are exceptional family/social circumstances demonstrated (Case No. HG1).




Supporting documents: