Agenda item

Contract Procurement - Supply and Fit of Windows and Doors - Domestic Estate

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



Members considered a report of the Executive Director Neighbourhood Services seeking approval to commission a contract with an external provider for the supply and fit of external windows and doors to repair domestic properties on the Council’s social housing estate.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee approves the commission of a contract for a period of up to 4 years with a provider for the supply and fit of windows and doors to repair domestic properties, with an estimated value of £5.154m as set out in this report.





Reasons for Decision


Preferred option – to procure the appropriate contract in the manner described in section 1 of this report. This will help enable the Council to continue to provide this key service. The procurement of the contract will ensure the Council is operating in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and achieving best value in its procurement of the services.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do nothing – This is not an option as the Council has the ongoing requirement to install new windows and doors and public procurement regulations dictate that these services are procured in a compliant manner as described in this report.




Self-Deliver - This is not an option; HRM does not have the capacity to install all required doors and windows and does not have the ability to manufacture doors and windows.




Further extend existing contracts – this is not an option as all available contract extensions have been utilised. As ever, Council must adhere to the Public Contract Regulations (2015) (PCR) thus further variations (value and duration) are not deemed easily reconcilable with the provisions set out within PCR.




Members considered a report of the Executive Director Neighbourhood Services seeking approval to commission a contract with an external provider for the supply and fit of external windows and doors to repair domestic properties on the Council’s social housing estate.




Discussion took place around the specification for the windows and doors and members were assured that the ‘Secure by Design’ principles recommended by South Yorkshire Police had been included. Officers agreed to consider including a framework arrangement as an option within the procurement specification to enable multiple smaller providers to bid for the contract.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee approves the commission of a contract for a period of up to 4 years with a provider for the supply and fit of windows and doors to repair domestic properties, with an estimated value of £5.154m as set out in this report.





Reasons for Decision


Preferred option – to procure the appropriate contract in the manner described in section 1 of this report. This will help enable the Council to continue to provide this key service. The procurement of the contract will ensure the Council is operating in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and achieving best value in its procurement of the services.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Do nothing – This is not an option as the Council has the ongoing requirement to install new windows and doors and public procurement regulations dictate that these services are procured in a compliant manner as described in this report.




Self-Deliver - This is not an option; HRM does not have the capacity to install all required doors and windows and does not have the ability to manufacture doors and windows.




Further extend existing contracts – this is not an option as all available contract extensions have been utilised. As ever, Council must adhere to the Public Contract Regulations (2015) (PCR) thus further variations (value and duration) are not deemed easily reconcilable with the provisions set out within PCR.


Supporting documents: