Agenda item

Better Care Fund Update



The report, which provided a Quarter 4 Better Care Fund update, and a Better Care Fund 2024/25 Refresh update, was presented by Martin Smith (Assistant Director of Transformation & Delivery NHS South Yorkshire ICB (Sheffield Place) / Sheffield City Council).



Board Members discussed whether the “Team Around the Person” target relating to not keeping patients in hospital for too long, had actually led to people being discharged home too soon, and were advised that in Sheffield there were a range of options for intermediate care, the ultimate aim of which was to help people to live independently. This had been a priority in patient feedback.



A request was made for the Better Care team to give greater thought to inequality and to consider whether more could be done in this respect via smarter use of resources.  Martin Smith advised that this could be considered further and was already being looked at regarding Covid recovery.



Board Members requested clarification as to what they were being asked to do to promote the services available to unpaid carers.  Martin Smith advised that an Unpaid Carers group had been established and that carer support was built into the ICB (Integrated Care Board) quality contract and was at the forefront of Better Care Fund priorities.  Board Members doing what they could to share information on this would be helpful and Martin Smith agreed to share information with the Board to help with this.  It was noted that a Health and Wellbeing Board discussion had recently been held on this topic and the Council had a multi-disciplinary Carers Delivery Plan in Place. A leaflet had been produced regarding how to support people leaving hospital and work was being done within the Council to understand the demographics of unpaid carers. 



The Chair, Councillor Angela Argenzio, requested that data regarding the demographics of unpaid carers be included in a future Better Care Fund report.



RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board:

(a)  Notes the 2023/24 Better Care Fund Q4 update.

(b)  Notes the submission of the 2024/25 refresh planning template; and

(c)  Delegates in year oversight to the Joint Strategic Executive Meeting and sign off of in year reporting to the Board Co-Chairs.



Supporting documents: